Chapter 21

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Aurora spent all day lounging around the room to no avail. It's been three days, and she still hasn't been able to get Jonathan's words out of her mind or come up with any plan.

Fine, I would give you seven more days to get yourself together, but if by then you don't surrender yourself willingly to me, you would leave me no choice.

She cringes, every time she remembers those words. Did he really mean them?

She sighed and fell back on the chaise, staring up at the ceiling. Even the ceiling looked more promising than her nearest future, she thought.

She was lost in her thoughts when a knock came in startling her. "Come in." She ordered and not a second later a maid walked into the room and bowed before informing her that the meeting would be starting shortly.

She got up to her feet and followed her out of the door towards the court and as she walked in all heads turned towards her direction. She threw in a smile and took her seat beside Jonathan.

Once everyone was situated in their proper seating arrangement, the processing began, orating the issues from the previous meeting,

"The matter of discussion, or rather, of debate is war with the three realms in our boundary." The Squire finished the summary and introduced today's topic.

"I said, we go to war. It's time we expand Lockwood."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "These people have been living under our territory for years. I say we go take back what's ours."

"I'm against the proposition of war." Aurora spoke up and everyone turned heads to her. For the past two proceedings she had sat quietly, listening to the men discuss prospects of war in silence and she just couldn't stay quiet anymore.

"I agree with Lady Sarah." Mary one of Aurora's court Lady, whose husband is the head of the councils spoke up.

Aurora could feel Jonathan burning gaze on her cheeks, he had warned her not to speak, and she had the defiled him,

"Of course, the two women in the room would side with the unpopular opinion." someone said, and the room erupted with echoing laughter.

"I say women shouldn't be allowed in the affairs of the kingdom, or one day they would want to join the council." A few of the men broke out laughing.

Aurora was about to retort, when she was interrupted by one of the minister's, "I believe the women have rights to their opinion." He threw her a smile, and she returned a grateful one. Jonathan, however didn't look pleased.

"I believe war is the only way to settle this issue. We need to expand the kingdom. Am I right, men?" Another said and the other men nodded in agreement.

Aurora knew nothing about the kingdom's affairs, but from the articles and historical stories she read and as well as heard from Grandfather Luiz regarding wars and conquests of innocent lives, she understood the danger of it and how catastrophic it could be at the en.

"Now, according to the court rules." The squire calmed down the room. "Regardless of the majority opinion, our Majesty's approval comes first."

Everyone turned to look at Jonathan, who looked quite conflicted.

"I need time to think." He said, causing the men to murmur and grunt,

"But your Majesty, the more time we waste, the more difficulty we'll have in conclusively deciding on this matter." Another spoke up.

"I understand your concerns, but I have a concern of my own and until I appease my concerns, this issue remains pending."

Once the protest was silenced, Jonathan got up to his feet, dismissing the meeting and gesturing Aurora to follow him. They were back in their private quarters, when Jonathan turned to her. "I asked you not to speak." He scolded her,

"I had to say something." She defended, "You're not contemplating war, are you?"

He looked away from her and Aurora turned her attention to what he was looking at, to see it was the portrait of his father and her heart immediately softened.

"I wonder what he would have done." he whispered quietly, moving towards it.

"The best for his kingdom." She answered for him.

He lifted his eyes from the portrait to look at her, "Then wouldn't it be best for this kingdom to expand to the other realms, to grow and become even more powerful."

"Not at the expense of lives. People's lives would be lost in this war. You can't use your people as bait for your own selfish desires."

Jonathan stared at her confused. "These people should feel honored to die for their kingdom." He said and Aurora rubbed the brim of her nose in frustration, "What's their life Worth, anyway? A few coins silver." he snorted, turning his eyes back to the portrait.

"Have you even been outside this countryside?" She asked him suddenly.

"Of course, I have been on a lot of trips with Father."

"That's not what I meant. I mean have you had the chance to fully immerse yourself with your people? Get to know them and learn how they live."

"A king shouldn't indulge himself with peasants, My Queen.." He said and Aurora just wanted to strangle the arrogance out of him.

She let out an annoyed sigh instead,

"These 'peasants' as you call them are a majority of your kingdom, these people have lives, families, commitments."

Then suddenly an idea came to her mind. She groaned at herself wondering why she hadn't thought of it before.

"We should pay a visit to the countryside and maybe that would change your mind." She said and hoped he agreed and surprisingly he didn't protest.

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