~ prologue ~

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Alexis Maria Stark

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Alexis Maria Stark

4th November 1991

Young Tony Stark was woken up suddenly one Saturday morning to the sound of someone aggressively ringing the doorbell of his parents' mansion. He soon heard the door being opened by one of the house's butlers Alfred, and the wailing – which sounded very baby like – was enough for Tony to jump quickly out of his bed and run down the stairs to investigate.

Once in the foyer, Tony was greeted by the sight of Alfred staring at a particularly intriguing letter while the supposed 'baby' was lying in the carrier surrounded by a few maids. "Whose baby is that" Tony inquired halfway down the stairs, "and can someone please stop it making that god awful noise?" he groaned. "Master Stark, this letter is claiming that the baby is in fact, yours" Alfred stated. "What? Pft, yeah alright, like I can father a child" Tony replied sarcastically before snatching the letter out of his hand and reading it.


You probably didn't mean for this to happen but this baby, well, she's your responsibility now, whether you like it or not, you can give her a much better life that I will ever be able to. You're most likely going to try and deny that she's yours, but I promise that if you take a DNA test it will come back positive. I haven't named her yet; I'll leave that up to you, she's only 9 days old, born last Thursday November 25th. Take good care of her please, I know you will give her a life I could only dream of giving her.

Tony stared at the letter in disbelief. He was still practically a child, how was he supposed to take care of one? All by himself? The letter wasn't signed either, which meant that Tony was going to have to rack his brains in order to think of a women he'd slept with roughly 9 months ago, he didn't doubt the letter was lying otherwise a DNA test would've been the first thing he would have done, but seeing as though the letter mentioned it would come back positive if he did, Tony didn't feel it would be necessary. 

"Anthony, what's all this commotion?" Howard Stark questioned as he walked through the archway leading to the hall. "Is that... is that a baby?" Tony Stark was still in a trance as he reread the letter in his hand, not grasping fully the fact that he was now a dad. "Oh god Tony, don't tell me that baby is yours" his father continued. "Huh? Oh, yeah... umm, congrats you're a grandpa!" Tony replied, letter still in hand.

A/N: Hi, so this is my first ever attempt at a book. I'm hoping that if all goes well and i actually stick at it that i will get a series out of it. if anyone has any tips for my writing style please let me know, i want to improve as much as possible.

I will most likely update this book every Monday and Thursday if i can, but i have exams currently so i might not be that regular. they finish in a few weeks however and then i will be off school and able to focus on writing a lot more. 

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