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Lexi reluctantly pulled back from the gorgeous girl she had picked up earlier in the bar that night, feeling her phone vibrating in her back pocket

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Lexi reluctantly pulled back from the gorgeous girl she had picked up earlier in the bar that night, feeling her phone vibrating in her back pocket. "Sorry, I gotta take this," she winced at the blonde that lay in her bed, being waved off as she stood to take the call in the ensuite so as the girl wouldn't be able to overhear anything if the call was SHIELD related. Lexi groaned audibly seeing Natasha's name show on the device - out of all people she worked with, it had to be Natasha that was ringing her.

"What is it, Romanoff?"

"I need you to get to MedStar Georgetown hospital now," Natasha said quickly, getting straight to the point, her voice wavering slightly as she spoke.

"Lexi! You coming back or what?" the blonde in bed yelled as Lexi winced, hoping that Natasha hadn't heard her through the phone. 

"Who was that?"


"Uh- who? Oh... um- that was... the television. It was the television," Lexi stuttered, knowing that Natasha didn't believe a word, and quickly changed the subject before any questions could be asked. "Wait... are you okay? Why are you at hospital? Did something happen?"

"Fury's been shot. That's all I can say until you get here. Just... please, get here," Natasha pleaded before the line went dead, leaving Lexi with no choice but to go as she exited the bathroom.

"Sorry, but I have to go. Work things," she smiled apologetically at the blonde who huffed in return, rolling her eyes as she began to climb out of Lexi's bed and get dressed. "Look, I really have to go, but you're welcome to stay a little longer. Help yourself to anything in the fridge, and uh... leave your number on the counter before you go," Lexi winked at her before leaving the bedroom, shrugging on her leather jacket as she grabbed the keys for her bike and left the apartment.

As Lexi arrived at the hospital she was instantly greeted by flashing lights and sirens, having to show her SHIELD identification to even gain entry to the street the hospital was on and being thoroughly searched upon entry. She managed to get there in a quick enough time, thanks to her decision to take her bike which made it easy to weave through traffic and avoid the queues. She skipped up to the front desk to ask where Fury was, thanking the nurse who told her before she began her journey up the stairwell, skipping a step each time as she ran up.

She burst through the double doors at the end of the corridor, spotting the sign for the operation observing room on her left hand side as she peered through the door, seeing Nat, Maria and Steve all looking solemnly through the window to the operating room. Lexi entered slowly, sensing the tension from outside the door, as all three eyes turned to her, Natasha's worries lifting slightly upon seeing the brunette, before she was hit by reality once more as the monitors began to beep in the next room.

Lexi went to stand on the left of Maria, placing a hand on her shoulder in the hopes of comforting her friend. She would've liked to comfort Natasha, but was unsure of how the redhead would react. Knowing Natasha, she would most likely want to keep a straight, emotionless face, and mask any feelings she may have towards the situation. It seemed that that was what she was doing now, but Lexi could see through it. Lexi could see the pain in her eyes as they stayed focused on Nick Fury's heart monitor, willing the man who gave her so much to survive.

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