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The three left on the ground worked back-to-back as they fended off the Chitauri aliens, barely having a chance to breathe as they fought relentlessly against their enemies

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The three left on the ground worked back-to-back as they fended off the Chitauri aliens, barely having a chance to breathe as they fought relentlessly against their enemies. After what seemed like hours of fighting, they finally got rid of the last of the Chitauri in their area and were able to take a short breather before the fighting started once more.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal," Natasha stated solemnly as she caught her breath, blood dripping down her forehead as her face and body were littered with cuts and bruises. Lexi was in the same - if not worse - state, and her head was thumping, no doubt a side effect of using her powers as much as she had been in the past hour.

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it," Steve replied to the redhead, all three of their eyes pointing to the sky as they watched more Chitauri filter through from space.

"Well, maybe it's not about guns."

"Wait, Romanoff... what are you saying?" Lexi piped into their conversation, unsure if the redhead was hinting at what she thought she was.

"If you wanna go up there, you're gonna need a ride," Steve stated, completely ignoring the brunette.

"I got a ride," Natasha replied as she began walking to the other side of the bridge before turning back to face Steve. "I could use a boost, though." Lexi watched as Steve backed up to the wall of the bridge, preparing his shield so as he could easily launch the redhead into the air.

"Wait, Nat," Lexi ran up to the woman, grabbing her arm before she began her run up. The brunette couldn't help but go through the worse-case scenarios in her head, one of the possibilities being that she may not see the redhead again. They may have had their ups and downs, but she knew Natasha cared for her, and vice versa.

"I forgive you."

Natasha couldn't help the wide grin that appeared on her face upon hearing those words, not just that she was forgiven, but also hearing Lexi call her 'Nat' considering the brunette had done everything possible in the past few years to avoid using her first name, let alone her nickname. The redhead's smile quickly turning into a small smirk as she looked the younger woman up and down. "Say it to me again once this is all over." Sending the brunette a wink, Natasha backed up a little more as she prepared her run up to Steve's shield.

"Are you sure about this?" the Captain asked.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun," Natasha replied, her uncertainty appearing through a slight crack in her voice as she looked up to the portal.

The redhead bounced on the balls of her feet for a moment before taking her run up, leaping onto a car before she landed her two feet on the famous shield. Steve used all of his strength to push the woman into the sky, the two timing it perfectly as Natasha was able to grab onto one of the flying machines being flown by the Chitauri overhead.

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