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"Up," was all Lexi heard before the covers were yanked off and her body was met with the cool morning breeze that crept through the window that had just been cracked open by Pepper

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"Up," was all Lexi heard before the covers were yanked off and her body was met with the cool morning breeze that crept through the window that had just been cracked open by Pepper. "Come on Lexi, up! We have to be at the court for 9, and it won't help your father if he's late to appear in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee."

"Ugh, why do I even have to go to the stupid thing, its not my fault my dad created a weapon suit machine thingy that they want to steal," Lexi complained as she slowly opened her eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight in the hotel room in DC.

"Well, it was either that or leave you alone in a million-dollar mansion in Malibu that you would've potentially ended up trashing within a day."

"Hey! It was one time, and it was worth it cause it was one hell of a party" she replied cheekily.

"Yeah, one hell of a party that cost your dad $10 grand in damages," Pepper replied with a stern, scolding look in her eyes.

"In my defence, I never asked the guests to break the window, they did it on their own accord-" Lexi started before she was quickly shut up by another glare from Pepper.

"Just put on the outfit I left in the wardrobe and meet us in the lobby in 30 minutes" Pepper said before swiftly walking out of the room leaving a still half sleeping teenager lying starfish on the double bed. Lexi groaned as she slowly swung her legs to the side, sitting on the edge of the bed, raising her two arms high above her head and moving her back slightly to hear the cracks from her spine.

Trudging over to the wardrobe she swung the door open, being greeted by a not so flattering pencil skirt and blouse. "Yikes, Pepper can't seriously expect me to wear this?" she muttered quietly to herself. Slowly closing the door back over again, she decided to opt for her own choice of clothing which she knew she would get reprimanded for but frankly, she didn't care. She shrugged on a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple crop top, along with a flannel she stole from her dad before leaving for DC and began her journey to the lobby.

"Hey! There's my favourite child" Tony greeted his daughter as she casually strolled towards them, "I'm your only child" she replied before muttering under her breath "that you know of."

"Didn't catch the last part, sorry," Tony said, jokingly raising his hand up to cup his left ear. "Hmm... oh nothing" Lexi replied with a sweet innocent smile.

"Okay, are we all ready to go" Pepper started as she walked up towards the Starks before glancing up from her clipboard and seeing the young girl's clothing, "W- what are you wearing? What happened to the clothes I had brought for you?"

"Uh oh, someone's in trouble" Tony sung out so lowly only his daughter could hear, causing her to roll her eyes and send him an amused grin.

"Well?" Pepper questioned. "You weren't seriously expecting me to wear those? Come on Pep you should know me well enough by now" Lexi replied wiggling her eyebrows and playfully nudging Pepper's shoulder but was quick to draw back her hand when she saw the disapproving motherly look she was receiving. Lexi would never admit this to anyone, but due to the lack of any mother figure in her life, she couldn't help but look to her father's personal assistant in a motherly type of way. Over the past few years, she couldn't help but drift towards the woman to discuss her problems, whether it be about school, exams, boys and girls, Pepper was always there to help her, which wasn't in the job description at all, but Pepper had a soft spot for the girl and recognised that the problems she was coming to her with, Tony would probably be useless at solving.

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