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Natalie stormed through the crowds of people who were frantically running in an attempt to escape the mayhem, unknowing that Lexi was hot on her heels

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Natalie stormed through the crowds of people who were frantically running in an attempt to escape the mayhem, unknowing that Lexi was hot on her heels. She caught up to woman just as she reached the car and began ordering a very confused Happy to drive her to Hammer Industries. "I'm not taking you anywhere" Happy yelled back to the woman.

"Fine. You want me to drive?" Natalie retaliated, turning quickly on her heels to face the man with a look of determination.

Lexi stood quietly hidden slightly by the car, not wanting to give away that she was there just yet as she had a feeling it wouldn't go down too well. When the opportunity arose, she planned to sneak into the passenger's side of the car, in the hopes that when they realise she's there, it will be too late to send her back inside.

"No, I'm driving. Get in the car" Happy replied, opening the door and hoping into the driver's seat as Natalie jumped in the back. Lexi quickly took this as her opportunity and ran around the other side of the car to quickly hop in where she was instantly met with Happy's wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he yelled as the brunette buckled her seatbelt in, acting completely normal, as if they were going for a Sunday drive for ice cream.

"I followed her" she shrugged, gesturing to the redhead in the backseat. Turning around to face the woman she gave her a small smirk which was quick to disappear when she seen the angry glare she was getting in return.

"Look we don't have time for this, she has to come now. Just drive" Natalie sighed out. Happy was quick to put his foot on the accelerator as they began to speed away. Lexi peered out her window and she went wide eyed at what she was seeing in the sky. Shots were being fired at, what she assumed was her father, by the military weaponry that now lined the steps of the building.

The crowds from the expo were in chaos as people ran like headless chickens in an attempt to escape unharmed. Blasters were being fired into the sides of surrounding buildings as rubble began to fall on the surrounding crowds.

Happy turned sharply round the corner, his speed gaining rapidly as Lexi grabbed hold of the Jesus handle that hung above her to steady herself. "When we arrive, Happy I need you to watch the perimeter and Lexi, stay in the car" Natalie spoke from the backseat. Lexi's eyes glanced to the rear-view mirror as she seen the redhead taking down her hair. Her eyes soon went wide as Natalie began to unzip her dress and take it off, leaving her in only a black bra.

It seems that Happy noticed too as his eyes drifted off the road until a blaring car horn redirected his attention as the car swerved slightly to avoid a collision. "Watch the road" Natalie demanded, knowing that Happy had been watching her.

"I got it. I got it" Happy responded awkwardly.

Natalie's gaze flickered to the rear-view mirror where her eyes met where Lexi's were looking, a slight smirk being displayed on her face. "You too. Eyes on the road" Natalie said, causing Lexi to snap from her daze, quickly becoming flustered at being caught by the redhead as she cleared her throat with a small cough.

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