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Lexi's eyes raked up and down her body as she smirked to herself, she wasn't normally one for makeup or fancy dress, but when she did it made her want to do it more

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Lexi's eyes raked up and down her body as she smirked to herself, she wasn't normally one for makeup or fancy dress, but when she did it made her want to do it more. Her hands delicately fixed the straps on her shoulder as she took in her own appearance. She was wearing a slim white dress that hugged her body, showing off all of her curves nicely and stopping just above her mid-thigh, with a slit going up the left side that displayed the rest of her legs. She looked hot. And she felt it.

Lexi was snapped from her thoughts by a knock on the window as she jumped from the sound of it. Leaning on the sill of the window was none other than her best friend, Savannah. "Fuck's sake Sav, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed angrily as her friend looked at her with a mischievous grin.

"Sorry" she sung out as she hopped through the now open window, her eyes taking in her friend in front of her, "damn Lex, you look hot!" Lexi rolled her eyes playfully at her best friend as she watched her take out the liquor bottles she requested she get.

"Apple Sourz and some Smirnoff all for you... and me" Savannah mused out as she waved the liquor bottles in front of Lexi's face. A smile crept upon Lexi's face as she snatched one of the bottles from her friend before walking over to the door to lock it, making sure they wouldn't be caught in the act by anyone. Once she had turned back around to face Savannah, she noticed the pleading look in her friend's eyes as she had her bottom lip jutted out in a pout.

"The answer is still no Sav," Lexi said bluntly as Savannah threw her head back in frustration, a small groan leaving her mouth. "I'm sorry but as much as I love you, I just can't risk my lightweight best friend crashing my dad's birthday party" she continued as she reached a hand up to Sav's face and playfully squeezed both of her cheeks together. Savannah swatted her hand away in fake annoyance as she rolled her eyes, "I am not a lightweight."

"Sure you aren't" Lexi cooed as she gently tapped Savannah's cheek before walking over to her desk and opening the drawer to get out some shot glasses.

"So... what do you think Pepper's gonna say about that dress you're wearing, huh? Your dad?" Savannah questioned as she watched Lexi fill the two shot glasses with the liquor.

"I'm eighteen now, I can wear what I want" she replied, handing one of the glasses to her friend as the clinked them together before downing the liquid. Lexi's face scrunched slightly at the burning sensation she felt running down her throat as she took the glass from Savannah to pour them another.

"And what about that hot PA you were telling me about? Is she gonna be there?" Savannah teased as she wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.

Lexi smirked, shrugging her shoulders as she made her way over to sit on the sofa in the centre of her room, "maybe..." she sung out.

"Oh my god! You are so trying to impress her" Savannah exclaimed, walking up behind her friend and shaking her shoulders teasingly.

"I am not Sav, don't get excited. She'll never look at me that way anyway, I'm her boss' daughter" Lexi scoffed out as she took another shot, already feeling the buzz wash over her.

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