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"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Lexi yelled, running up and shoving her father in the chest, not even allowing him to take five steps inside the house

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"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Lexi yelled, running up and shoving her father in the chest, not even allowing him to take five steps inside the house. "You could have died! I mean, did you even think about me? No. Of course you didn't, you thought you would look super duper cool behind the wheel of a racing car, which you don't even know how to drive by the way and-" she ranted, before she was interrupted by Tony pulling her in to a tight bear hug.

"God, I missed your little outbursts," he said softly, hoping to ease the anger his daughter was displaying right now.

Pepper and Natalie entered shortly behind Tony, Pepper only glancing at the young girl's outburst, knowing she had every right to shout at her father in the way she was now because frankly, Pepper would like to do the same. Natalie on the other hand, looked pitifully at the girl, and shuffled by the two awkwardly as Lexi ranted in anger.

"No... no. You do not have the right to go all soft and jokey on me when you practically sentenced yourself to death," Lexi said, pushing herself away from the hug almost instantly as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. Not wanting anyone to see her emotional, she averted her gaze to the floor as she tried to compose herself.

"You're right Lexi, okay. You're right. I was being selfish and only thinking of myself," Tony said, lifting his hand to raise her chin as her gaze met his. Tony's heart broke at the sight of tears welling up in his daughter's eyes and knowing that he was the cause of this only broke it even further.

"You... you said... that you wouldn't do anything stupid," Lexi gasped out, now struggling to compose herself as her breathing became somewhat erratic. "God, do you have any idea what it was like? Watching that car get sliced and flipped over knowing you were inside it?" she said, her voice now raising again as the anger was still present.

"Lexi I-" Tony began before Lexi interrupted him once more.

"No. I'm done. You need to sort out your shit Dad or I'm gone," she finished, before turning around to Pepper, giving her a quick nod, "I'm glad you're okay Pepper." Lexi quickly turned on her heels and walked out of the room, not sparing her father a second glance, but could hear Pepper faintly saying to Tony, "You deserved that."

Lexi walked briskly up to her room, shutting the door upon entry before she collapsed to the floor in tears with her back against the door. She couldn't grasp why Tony had done what he did, it was as if his care for life had vanished. He has been so reckless with his decisions lately that Lexi began to wonder if there was something he had been keeping from her. There probably was, it's not often you come across a parent who doesn't keep something from their children, whether it be something insignificant and little, or something serious and dangerous, parents always kept stuff from their children, usually to protect them.

Lexi hugged her knees close to her chest with her arms wrapped around them as tears continued to fall from her eyes. She sat like this for a good fifteen minutes, thinking everything over in her head. She wasn't sure if she meant it when she said she'd leave her dad, but thinking about it, she was eighteen now, an adult, so moving out is expected at her age. She'd always loved the idea of having an apartment in New York later in life but the thought of going so far away from her father now scared her. Maybe she shouldn't have threatened leaving, perhaps he needs her around now more than ever if whatever he's hiding happens to be serious. Lexi didn't think she could forgive herself if anything happened to him.

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