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The SHIELD headquarters for project Pegasus were in all-stations go as agents hurried to evacuate the site

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The SHIELD headquarters for project Pegasus were in all-stations go as agents hurried to evacuate the site. A helicopter whirred overhead before landing in the centre of the commotion, being awaited patiently by Agent Coulson. As soon as the chopper had touched down, Agent Hill and Fury were quick to exit and make their way over to Agent Coulson, Fury being sure to have a detailed check of his surroundings as he came out of the aircraft.

"How bad is it?" Fury asked as soon as he was in earshot of Agents Coulson and Hill, yelling over the humming sound of the helicopter's engine and propellers. "That's the problem, sir. We don't know" Coulson replied.

The three were quick to make their way to the elevator, heading to where project Pegasus was taking place within the building. Reaching the bottom floor, they began to walk through the basement-like room, Agent Coulson filling them in as they walked.

"Dr Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago" Coulson began to explain the situation. "NASA didn't authorise Selvig to go to test phase" Fury questioned. "He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous event" Coulson replied quickly.

"It just turned itself on?" Hill asked from behind the man as they continued on their way to the cause of the commotion.

"Where are the energy levels now?" Fury questioned, dismissing Hill's question as he pressed to uncover more information.

"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered evac" Coulson answered.

"How long to get everyone out?"

"Campus should be clear in the next half-hour."

"Do better." Fury ordered, Coulson giving a small nod of acknowledgement before he turned the opposite way, leaving Fury and Hill on their own as they climbed further down the building.

"Sir, evacuation may be futile" Hill suggested as her and Fury descended the stairs, deeper into the structure that was home to the Tesseract.

"We should tell them to go back to sleep?" Fury questioned.

"If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance" she responded.

"I need you to make sure the Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out."

"Sir, is that really a priority right now?" Hill asked heatedly.

"Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on" he replied sternly, Hill's expression quickly grew annoyed. "Clear out the tech below" Fury continued ordering, "every piece of Phase 2 on a truck and gone."

Hill's appearance contained its annoyance as she clenched her jaw in frustration. "Yes sir" she replied bluntly, the tone of aggravation obvious as she brushed past her boss to complete her orders.

Fury strolled into the dome-like room, his dominant presence gaining the attention of everyone as he speaks up. "Talk to me, Doctor" he demanded upon entering the room.

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