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Lexi found herself in the middle of Natasha and Jasper Sitwell as the five of them travelled on the freeway in Washington

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Lexi found herself in the middle of Natasha and Jasper Sitwell as the five of them travelled on the freeway in Washington. The car journey had been silent for the most part - other than Sitwell's occasional muttering about how Pierce would kill him, and how badly he fucked up. The others just sat in silence, none of them really listening to what he was ranting about. 

Lexi shuffled about in her seat slightly in an attempt to get more comfortable, awkwardly trying to figure out where to place her hands. This is why she hated sitting in the middle. If you sat in a window seat, you had the option to rest your arm on a door, but when you sit in the middle, your arms are uncomfortably squished in and your hands rest on your knees. She wasn't even the smallest in the car. She felt Nat's eyes on her as she shuffled about and so, in the end, decided she would have to make do with being uncomfortable for the meantime. 

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell said, for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam retorted from the drivers seat.

"Insights launching in sixteen hours," Natasha stated as she leaned over Lexi to stick her head in between the two front seats. "We're cutting it a little bit close here."

"I know," Steve sighed as Natasha sat back in her seat, "we'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly."

"What?" Sitwell yelled, "are you crazy?! That is a terrible, terrible idea."

Sitwell wasn't given any longer to complain when something landed on top of the car. Lexi had barely put her hand on her gun when a metal hand broke through the left window, yanking Sitwell out and throwing him into the oncoming traffic on the other side of the freeway. Natasha arm wrapped protectively around Lexi as she pulled her closer, and away from the now open window, scared that she too would be dragged out by whoever was on the car.

As the hand disappeared, Natasha noticed the handgun held it had drew. Thinking quickly, she ushered Lexi in between the front seats. "Go, go, sit on Sam's knee."

Lexi looked back at the redhead in utter confusion, before a gun shot rang out above, the bullet narrowly missing the two in the back. The brunette quickly climbed on top of Sam, trying her best not to get in the way of his eye line and allow him to see the road ahead. Natasha climbed in quickly after her, pushing both Sam and Steve's heads forward as she did so as two more bullets struck the head rests of the front seats. She then swiftly pulled on the handbrake, causing the car to skid to a halt, and the rooftop intruder to go flying off, tumbling on the road in front of them before using his metal hand to come to a halt. The four in the car held their breath as he slowly stood up, flexing his metal arm as he lifted his head to look at them. 

"Who the fuck is that?" Lexi whispered to herself. 

"It's him," Natasha answered before raising her handgun and pointing it directly at the Winter Soldier. Just as she went to fire her shot, a jeep slammed into their car from behind, making Natasha drop her gun on the floor below them. The car was forced forward by the jeep as Sam struggled to steer it out of the vehicle's path. As they got closer to the winter soldier, he leaped up and once more, landed on top of the car. 

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