| Ten |

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Lexi stared out at the vast city before her, looking down at the people on the streets below as they went about their daily lives

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Lexi stared out at the vast city before her, looking down at the people on the streets below as they went about their daily lives. She would never get sick of looking at the city skyline of New York, granted, it was prettier at night than during the day, but it was beautiful none the less. She was extremely lucky to have been able to get an apartment on one of the highest floors in the apartment block, allowing her to have this amazing view, which happened to include the newly built 'Stark Tower'.

She was soon disrupted from her thoughts when there was a knock at her front door. "I didn't think Dad would visit that soon" she thought out loud, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she walked away from her window to answer the door.

Since Lexi was new to the whole New York and living by herself thing, she didn't bother to look through the peephole before answering, and boy-oh-boy did she get a shock.

"Hello Miss Stark" the dark-skinned man (who also had a scary looking eye-patch on) greeted the young girl as she opened the door, walking past her and into the apartment. Lexi stood dumbfounded as the man went further into her apartment.

"Uh... come in" she said, as she looked around in confusion.

"My name is Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D" Fury stated as he glanced around the apartment, taking in every last detail before his eyes landed on the girl stood at the door.

"Sorry... am I supposed to know who you are or?" Lexi replied, as she cautiously closed the door, making sure to keep an eye on the intimidating man.

"I'm guessing by the look on your face that your father didn't mention me. Which also means that you are unaware of the Avengers Initiative" Fury stated as he made himself comfortable leaning against the counter of the island. Lexi slowly shook her head as her eyebrows furrowed further in confusion.

"You see Miss Stark, I know about your abilities, and I feel as though they would be beneficial in assisting with the protection of this country, perhaps even the world."

Lexi was shocked to hear that the man found out about her newfound abilities, but she tried as hard as possible to keep a straight face as she stared back at the man. Truth is, she had been trying to master her abilities ever since that night at the expo and had only gotten so far. She could defend herself easily if something was thrown at her, which she had figure out by throwing a ball against the wall and trying to stop it before it hit her, and well, let's just say there was a few black eyes from those practices. And, if she focused hard enough, she could raise small objects into the air, but was yet to be able to move them.

"What abilities?" she scoffed out, trying to play it off as much as possible but Fury was too good of a spy and seen straight past her lies. So, to test it out he did what any sane person would do.

He threw a knife at her.

And, as expected, Lexi had just seen it coming and was quick to raise her hand, flicking her two fingers in the direction she wanted the knife to be swerved to. Her gaze flickered from the knife that now lay on the floor, to the dark-skinned man who was watching her with an amused smile on his face as he quirked an eyebrow at her.

"How did you find out..." Lexi began to question before it hit her. There was only one person who knew about her powers, and she just so happened to have been an agent sent to spy on her father. "Natalie" Lexi scoffed out quietly as the realisation hit her.

Then, that same feeling of betrayal that Lexi felt when she first found out about 'Natalie's' real identity came swarming back to the pit of her stomach. She hadn't known the woman for very long, a few days if even, but that night on the roof of her house, Lexi felt at peace, comfortable, talking to the redhead. Now, knowing that she betrayed her trust once again but telling her superiors the one thing Lexi didn't want anyone to know about, all she felt was hurt.

"Agent Romanoff told me about your abilities in order to help you control them" Fury reassured the girl once he noticed her expression changing at the realisation.

"So, what do you want from me?" Lexi questioned as she dropped down to pick up the knife from its place on the floor and began twirling it around in her fingers before placing it on the table.

"I would like for you to join me, at S.H.I.E.L.D, where you will train to become an agent, as well as learn how to control your powers. Eventually, I would also like to give you the opportunity to join the Avengers Initiative" Fury stated as he stood up straight, walking over to the table to collect his knife.

"This Avengers thingy... uh, what exactly is it?" Lexi queried.

"I have a plan to assemble a team of people who have abilities that can allow them to fight the battles that humanity is unable to fight on their own."

"So basically, a bunch of weirdos?" she said, "well, jack sparrow, I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm no use to you. I can barely move a pen from one side of the room to another without dropping it so..."

"Then let us help you. Join S.H.I.E.L.D and not only will we help you control and master your powers but train you to become one of the best agents out there" Fury stated.

"And if I don't?

"Oh, but you will" Fury said as he made his way to walk out of the apartment. "I'll be in touch" he yelled back, before the door was soon shut behind him.

author's note:

well that's the end of act one, next up is the avengers.
please feel free to comment and vote so as i know you're enjoying it, i love getting feedback.

thanks <3

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