| twenty one |

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Lexi's eyes slowly fluttered open at the feeling of someone nudging her foot, the cool New Jersey breeze blowing through the door as it hit her face

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Lexi's eyes slowly fluttered open at the feeling of someone nudging her foot, the cool New Jersey breeze blowing through the door as it hit her face. Lexi sat up on the seat, being greeted by Natasha's face, a smirk evident as she pulled the brunette closer by her legs before yanking her out of the car by her arms. Lexi stumbled as her feet hit the dirt ground, Natasha's hands falling to her waist to keep her steady as the two locked eyes.

"Thanks," Lexi grinned shyly, biting her bottom lip to contain her smile as she became entranced by Natasha's emerald eyes boring into hers. Steve walked around to their side of the car as he cleared his throat, the two women breaking away from each other as Natasha's hands dropped from Lexi's waist.

"This is it," he stated, a small smile evident on his face as he had witnessed the moment between the two.

"The file came from these coordinates," Natasha confirmed as the three approached the steel-wired gates.

"So did I."

"This is where Captain America was created?" Lexi asked, reading the signs to the side of the gate, recognising 'Camp Lehigh' from history classes at school where they had been forced to learn all about Captain America and the wars.

"Not exactly, but it's close enough," Steve answered with a small frown as he broke the wired fence, allowing the two women to climb under before he followed. Lexi wanted to ask more, but figured that Steve was probably having some major deja vu and being reminded of some difficult times.

Dusk fell quickly as darkness began to encase the old military base as the three walked down the main path, dark buildings looming over them as shadows lay in corners. Lexi was a little creeped out to say the least. An abandoned army camp was near the top on her list of scariest places - plus, there was probably loads of spiders in the buildings, so as long as she didn't have to go into any (which she knew she would) she wouldn't freak out too much.

"This camp is where I was trained," Steve spoke. Lexi stayed close to Natasha as the two walked along a higher level than Steve, Natasha holding her device in the air in the hopes of getting a reading.

"Change much?"

"A little," Steve stared off slightly into the distance, and Lexi could tell he was reminiscing about his past, a lot of memories being brought up by their visit to the abandoned camp.

"This is a dead end," Natasha stated as she came to a stop near the railing on the platform her and Lexi were walking on. "Zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off."

Natasha stopped talking when she noticed Steve look off into the distance, his eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head in confusion. She nudged the brunette beside her as Lexi turned to look at the blonde man, her gaze following his before she returned it to where he was stood.

"What do you see, Stevo?"

Steve didn't answer, only walking away towards whatever he was looking at, leaving the two woman with no option but to follow, having to jog slightly to keep up with his pace.

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