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"Okay... so let me get this straight. The arc reactor that you had in your chest was poisoning you with potassium?" Lexi questioned her Dad. Lexi, Pepper and Tony were currently back at their house in Malibu, discussing everything that had happened over the past few weeks as they tried to wrap their heads around the events.

"Palladium, yes" Tony answered as he took a sip from his whiskey glass.

"Right. But you're okay now? Like for definite?"

"As good as I can be" he replied with a grin, "also, there's something me and Pepper need to tell you."

"You're fucking?" Lexi responded casually, causing Tony to spit out the remaining liquid in his mouth as Pepper went wide eyed from where she sat beside him.

"How'd you know?" she asked.

Lexi's face dropped, her amused smile disappearing instantly. "Wait... that was a joke. Oh my God, you guys are fucking" she gasped.

"No what? We're together. We haven't done... we kissed after the whole Vanko stuff, we just wanted to tell you now before you leave in a few days" Tony said quickly, hoping to avoid putting those images in his daughters head, although he was sure it was too late for that.

"Well, it's about damn time" Lexi sighed, "I'm happy for you both."

"Thank you, Lexi," Pepper said, smiling gratefully at the girl. "Have you got everything you need packed for New York?"

"Think so" Lexi breathed out as she looked around the Malibu house for what would probably be the last time. "I'm looking forward to seeing the Stark tower though Dad, it should be amazing. I'm expecting big things" she added, sending a small wink to the man.

"Yeah, well, plans are still being finalised, but I feel like it's time to expand. You'll be welcome anytime, don't forget about us" he said, pointing his finger accusingly at the girl.

"Dad, I'm literally only a fifteen-minute walk away from where the tower is going to be, it's not like I'm on the other side of the world" she replied, a small laugh escaping her lips at her father's accusation.

"Seriously, I'll be fine, you don't need to worry about me" she assured him, before standing up to envelope him in a hug. "I'm proud of you tin can" she teased.

Tony let out a small laugh at her words before muttering, "I'm proud of you too kiddo."

Tony sat in a room of one of S.H.I.E.L.D's secure warehouses as he looked at the documents laid out on the table before sliding one towards him that read 'Avengers Initiative... Preliminary Report'. He didn't get long to look at it, however, before a hand came down on top of it, forcing the folder back on to the table.

"I don't think I want you looking at that" Nick Fury stated, taking the seat opposite to Tony at the table. "I'm not sure it pertains to you anymore. Now this, on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you" Fury continued as he handed the file in his hand over to Tony, "read it."

"Uh... 'personality overview. Mr Stark displays compulsive behaviour'" Tony read, looking up to meet the eyes of Nick Fury once he had finished. "In my own defence, that was last week." Fury only tilted his head slightly as he held a bored expression, signalling to Tony that he had to read further.

"'Prone to self-destructive tendencies.' I was dying. I mean, please. And aren't we all?" Tony continued. "'Textbook narcissism'? Agreed. Okay, here it is. Uh... recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes. I got to think about it" he stated, throwing the folder back to Fury.

"Read on" Fury demanded, not once breaking the intimidating stare he had on Tony.

Huffing, Tony picked up the folder once again and began to read on. "Tony Stark not... not recommended? That doesn't make any sense. How can you approve me but not approve me?" he questioned. "I got a new ticker" he stammered, "I'm trying to do right by Lexi... and Pepper. I'm in a stable-ish relationship."

Fury stood from where he was seated and walked tauntingly around the table to Tony, where he sat down on the table directly in front of the man. "Which leads us to believe at this juncture we'd only like to use you as a consultant" he stated.

Tony sat for a few moments, weighing everything up his head before he rose from his seat and held out a hand for Fury to shake, which was accepted graciously. "You can't afford me" Tony muttered, giving the man's hand a clap and a small grin, before he walked away from the table toward the exit.

"Then again, I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favour" he stated, turning on his heels and walking back to the man sat on the table. "Rhodey and I are being honoured in Washington and we need a presenter" he inquired.

"I'll see what I can do." Fury replied, leaving Tony with a large grin on his face.

Lexi sat with Pepper in the front row in front of the house of Senate in Washington DC, watching the Senator begin his speech, her Dad standing to his left alongside Rhodey. The Stark's made eye contact with one another as Lexi sent her Dad a proud smile, accompanied by a small wink, to which she received a thumbs up and a smirk in return.

"It is my honour to be here today to present these distinguished awards to Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes and Mr Tony Stark" the Senator began, forcing the fakest smile he could onto his face before continuing with his speech, "who is, of course a national treasure."

Lexi had to stifle her laughter at how hard it was for the Senator to say that last sentence and she soon felt an elbow dig into her side which was Pepper's friendly way of saying shut up.

The tension was thick between Tony and the Senator as he pinned the badge to the man's blazer, and Lexi could tell her father was enjoying it a little too much. In fact, she was sure that if the aliens above looked hard enough, they'd be able to see Tony's smirk from space.

As Tony was getting his photo, he done his iconic pose and held a peace sign up to the crowd, his grin wide as he received nothing but cheers and claps. And a very loud wolf-whistle from his biggest fan.

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