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Lexi had only just fell asleep when she was awoken less than two hours later to the sound of her phone ringing

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Lexi had only just fell asleep when she was awoken less than two hours later to the sound of her phone ringing. Letting out a sigh, she flipped over onto her back making it easier for her to reach out to her bedside cabinet as she fumbled around for her phone. Lifting her phone up to her face, her eyes squinted as they adjusted to the light coming from the screen, she seen that it was her friend Savannah. "Sav, what could you possibly be ringing me for at 3am?" Lexi groaned as she answered the phone.

"Dude, you need to check the broadcast of the F1. Like... right now" Savannah said down the phone, urgency lacing her voice. Lexi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as her other hand that wasn't holding the phone fumbled around her bedsheets feeling for the remote control for her TV.

"The broadcast? Did something happen? A bad crash?" she asked, still confused as to why her friend felt the need to ring her in the early hours of the morning to tell her to watch the broadcast of the F1.

She finally found her remote hidden under the bed scarf she had draped around the bottom of her bed and used it to turn on the tv, flicking to the Formula One racing channel. "What. The. Fuck." Lexi exclaimed, her mouth agape and eyebrows raised in shock at the images being shown in front of her.

"Yeah... uhh... so, does he like know how to drive one of those cars?" Sav questioned down the phone.

"No," Lexi answered sternly, "no he does not."

Hanging up the phone, Lexi turned the volume up on the tv in order to hear every little detail she could. "God... I told him not to do anything stupid and now he's sitting in a F1 car! How stupid is he?!" she said aloud to herself. Seeing as the reporter on the broadcast wasn't being much help as it seemed no one really knew why Tony Stark was sitting in the driver's seat of the racing car, she could only watch in anger as Tony looked straight into the lens of the camera, giving a point of his finger.

Infuriated, Lexi grabbed her phone deciding to ring Pepper. If anyone was able to tell her anything about what was going on, it would most likely be Pepper. Although, in this case she highly doubted that even Pepper would know anything as she could never see the blonde allowing this to happen, leading Lexi to believe that her father had went rogue... once again.

She sat impatiently as she listened to the line ring. "C'mon Pepper, pick up" she muttered to herself, before finally, after a couple more rings, the line was answered, although it wasn't Pepper's voice that came through the phone.

"Miss Potts phone, Natalie speaking" the sweet voice rang through the phone as Lexi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Natalie? W-what are you doing in Monaco? And why do you have Pepper's phone?" Lexi questioned.

"Your father didn't tell you?" Natalie began,"Tony hired me as his new assistant to replace Pepper since she's running the company now, so I'm here in Monaco ensuring his trip goes smoothly."

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