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Lexi slipped her last ring onto her left middle finger, finalising her look for the expo this evening which Pepper had insisted on dragging her along to, saying that if she has to suffer it then so does Lexi

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Lexi slipped her last ring onto her left middle finger, finalising her look for the expo this evening which Pepper had insisted on dragging her along to, saying that if she has to suffer it then so does Lexi. Like the court visit, Pepper had a formal looking dress in the wardrobe for Lexi, but formal wasn't really her style, so she opted for the comfier option of some nice trousers, a polo-neck and a blazer, hoping that Pepper would accept it.

"Lexi! Happy's here! Let's go!" Pepper yelled from outside her room, just as Lexi was slipping on her converse that went perfectly with her outfit.

"Yeah, coming!" she yelled back, grabbing her phone and making a beeline for the door.

"Oh, for goodness sake" Pepper muttered under her breath upon seeing the girl, "what- actually... I don't care anymore." Lexi let out a small snicker at the woman's reaction before following her to the awaiting car that would take them to the expo, seeing Natalie waiting in the passenger seat.

"Hey that's not fair! I didn't even get the chance to call shotgun" she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest in a child-like manner. Pepper rolled her eyes in annoyance at the girl, a sigh spilling from her lips.

"Lexi, just get in the car" she requested as calmly as possible, feeling herself getting more stressed by the minute.

But Lexi stood her ground, quite literally, as she stamped a foot down, arms still folded. "Not unless I get to play my music" she declared, mischief gleaming in her eyes.

"Fine. Just get in" Pepper replied sternly. Pleased with the response she got, Lexi uncrossed her arms before happily skipping over to the car and jumping in the back. Leaning in between the front seats, she smirked at Natalie, sending her a not-so-subtle wink as she quickly connected her phone to the Bluetooth and began playing her playlist.

Once they had arrived at the expo, Happy and Natalie were the first to exit the car as they went to open the doors for Lexi and Pepper in the backseat. "I'll keep the car down here alright?" Happy stated as the woman exited the car.

"Thank you, Happy" Pepper replied, before joining the other two in walking towards the expo.

"You know, I still don't understand why I was dragged to this thing" Lexi complained as they walked up the flight of stairs that led to the building.

"And I've already told you. Consider it a punishment for your Dad's party" Pepper retaliated, causing Lexi to let out a deep sigh.

"He's the one that fought Rhodey and destroyed our house" she muttered under her breath so as no one could hear as she knew it was still a touchy subject. Natalie, however, did hear, and had to stifle her laugh at the girl's comment.

Lexi's head was picked up from her phone when she felt Pepper nudge her with her elbow as the music began to play throughout the large room when Justin Hammer was announced. Rolling her eyes, Lexi reluctantly put her phone away in order to direct her attention to the stage, her face scrunching up in disgust as Hammer made his way onstage doing a very dad-like dance.

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