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When Lexi awoke the next morning, she could have sworn her head was split open due to the throbbing pain she was experiencing

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When Lexi awoke the next morning, she could have sworn her head was split open due to the throbbing pain she was experiencing. The bright sunlight shone through her eyelids even though they were shut, which only worsened the pain she was having. She let out a loud groan as she pulled the blanket that was draped over her up to cover her face in an attempt to block the bright light in the room. "Good, you're up" Pepper stated chirpy from where she sat at the kitchen table.

"Shh... no noise, please" Lexi replied quietly as her head continued to throb, her not even attempting to make a move from where she was laying.

"Oh... I think there will be plenty of noise" Pepper remarked, standing from her chair and making as much noise as possible as she made her way over to the girl before snatching the blanket from her grasp, exposing Lexi's tender eyes to the bright sunlight once more.

"Let's call it a punishment for your behaviour last night" Pepper said as she set down some aspirin along with a glass of water for the young girl. "There's some aspirin on the table, and until Natalie comes by with clothes for you, I'm afraid you'll have to borrow some of mine" she finished, crouching down beside the girl and giving her a gently shove to get her up. "I have to go to work later, but Natalie should be here soon with your things and then you will not leave this house."

With the ache she was experiencing in her head, forcing her to keep her eyes shut, Lexi hadn't even realised she wasn't in her own bed, her own house. Slowly, Lexi gradually opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the brightness of the room and trying to ignore the fact that it was making her headache a lot worse. "Wait, where am I?" she questioned, her eyes still squinting slightly as she moved her head around, scanning the room from her position on Pepper's sofa.

"You don't remember?" Pepper said, raising her eyebrows at the girl as she slowly shook her head – which was a mistake as it only made her head throb even more, causing her to raise her palm to her forehead in an attempt to soothe it. "Of course, you don't" Pepper scoffed, "well, how much do you remember?" Lexi cocked her head slightly as she tried to recall as much as she could of the events from last night, one stood out in particular, but it was ridiculous, she thought, there's no way that could've happened.

"Well... no, I mean... there is one thing. But I doubt it happened... probably just my drunken imagination" she trailed out.

"Go on..." Pepper insisted, gesturing her hands to the girl urging her to keep talking.

"Did... uhm, Dad and Rhodey... fight...? In the iron man suits?" Lexi stuttered, unsure of how accurate that memory might be, and that maybe she was drunker than she thought last night. She wouldn't believe that that could ever happen, her Dad would never put people in danger by fighting his best friend in the suits he designed... would he?

"Looks like that memory of yours is working well enough then" Pepper stated bluntly, arms folded as she looked at the girl who smiled shyly back at her, hoping to be forgiven for her behaviour last night. "Look I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed" Pepper said softly as she sat down beside Lexi.

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