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Lexi's head thumped as she slowly opened her eyes, her hand lifting up to the throbbing pain at the back of her skull as her fingers landed on the metallic liquid that now coated her hair

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Lexi's head thumped as she slowly opened her eyes, her hand lifting up to the throbbing pain at the back of her skull as her fingers landed on the metallic liquid that now coated her hair. "Shit," she groaned as she used her elbows to prop herself up, looking around for any sign of where she had landed after the explosion.

"We're okay," Romanoff's voice sounded from her left. The brunette slowly twisted her head, seeing the redhead and Dr. Banner lying a few feet from her. Lexi tilted her head in concern when she noticed the doctor panting, his fists balled as though he would explode at any moment. It seemed Natasha noticed too as the redhead sent a worried look to Bruce, her voice breaking slightly with fear as she spoke her next words, "We're okay, right?"

"Romanoff," Lexi grunted, gaining the woman's attention as she turned away from the man before her, now facing the brunette on the other side of her. Natasha's emerald eyes raked over Lexi's body as the redhead studied the Stark for any injuries, her eyes falling to the young woman's leg as blood covered the upper part of the limb, a large gash being the cause of it.

"Lexi, your leg," Natasha panted out in concern, momentarily forgetting about her own limb that was stuck under a pole that had come loose during the explosion.

"Forget about my leg, Romanoff. Get yours out from that pole and lets get out of here before all we see is green," Lexi responded through gritted teeth. Both from being frustrated at Natasha's attempt to care now, and from the fear that Doctor Banner could hulk out at any given point.

Lexi watched as Natasha struggled to lift the pole up enough to free her leg as Bruce's panting and anger increased by the second, the hulk threatening to break free at any given point.

"Dr. Banner," the brunette spoke softly to the man, "everything's going to be okay, just take some deep breaths." Bruce looked at her, his eyes burning with fury as he struggled to contain the monster within. His fists clenched tighter as he groaned in pain, desperately trying to resist the Hulk as it fought against him.

"Bruce?" Natasha spoke up as she took a break from freeing her leg, "you got to fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're going to be okay. Listen to me."

"Are you hurt?"

Lexi turned around from the two at the sound of another presence, seeing two SHIELD agents making their way towards them. She quickly shook her head, waving her hand for them to get back. The two looked at the scene before them and were quick to turn on their heels, rushing back out of the engine room, no doubt to warn Fury of what was happening.

"We're gonna be okay. Alright?" Natasha voiced to the panting doctor, her voice breaking slightly as Lexi recognised for the first time that the redhead was actually scared... like fearing for her life scared. "Lexi, if you can, you need to get out of here."

"No, what? Romanoff, I'm not leaving you here with that thing!" Bruce's head snapped towards Lexi as she said those words, the veins pulsating from his neck turning green as the anger coursed throughout his body. Lexi's eyes widened when she realised what she said, as Natasha gave her a look of disbelief before turning back around to focus on the doctor.

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