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It wasn't long before the four were harshly shoved in the back of a van

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It wasn't long before the four were harshly shoved in the back of a van. Lexi could feel the blood pouring from her wound as the material around it became more and more saturated by the liquid. She watched Natasha with worry as the redhead looked in a worse state than her, having been shot by the winter soldier in the shoulder. Little did Lexi know, but Natasha was staring at her with just as much worry. Lexi was unaware, but her skin had paled drastically, she looked like hell, and it wouldn't be long until the blood loss was too much for her to stay awake.

"It was him," Steve muttered as he stared at the floor with nothing but sadness shimmering in his eyes. "He looked right at me like he didn't even know me."

"How is that even possible?" Sam asked no one in particular. "It was like seventy years ago."

Lexi head slumped back against the wall as her eyelids began to flutter shut. She quickly jumped back up as her head smacked the wall, trying to look as fine as possible so as Natasha would get seen to first rather than her.

"Zola," Steve concluded, answering Sam's question, though Lexi was sure it didn't answer much for the man. "Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must've found him and-"

"None of that's your fault, Steve," Natasha stated groggily.

"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky."

Lexi groaned in pain as the van went over a bump, causing her leg to hit against the side of the chair. The two women's conditions were worsening by the second. Natasha was beginning to get as pale as Lexi, and it was obvious they had lost far too much blood.

"We need to get a doctor here," Sam demanded at one of the guards upon noticing how bad the two had gotten. "If we don't put pressure on their wounds, they're gonna bleed out here in the truck."

The guard he was speaking to raised their electric baton threateningly as Sam jumped back a little in surprise. The guard then quickly turned the baton on the other guard, electrocuting them before kicking them in the head and knocking them out. Lexi furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looked to the guard who was now taking off their helmet.

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain," the voice of Maria Hill filled the van as Lexi let out a weak smile at the sound of her best friend. "Who is this guy?"

"Maria," Lexi smiled weakly, her voice tired as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

"We gotta go... quick. So, Lex, I need you to stay awake, you hear me?" Maria spoke softly as she grabbed some material from her vest and began tying it tightly around Lexi's wound. Lexi nodded weakly as she heard Maria begin to carve a hole on the floor of the van using a laser. It didn't take very long and soon, Lexi was being carried off through the forrest by Steve while Natasha leaned on Sam and Maria led the way to the car they had hidden deep within.

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