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Lexi's hand reached to the back of her head as she woke up, her eyes squinting slightly as they adjusted to the light

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Lexi's hand reached to the back of her head as she woke up, her eyes squinting slightly as they adjusted to the light. She groaned slightly from the pain throbbing at the back of her head as she tried to sit up, only to feel a weight lying on top of her. Looking down, she seen Natasha's red hair resting on her chest as the woman lay peacefully, their legs entangled at the other end of the backseat of the truck.

"How's the head?" Steve questioned from the driver's seat after noticing the brunette stirring in the back.

"Feels like I'm waking up after a three day bender," she replied groggily, her eyes moving from Natasha to look at Steve through the mirror. "Where are we going?"

"A friend's house."

"Can we trust this friend?" she asked skeptically.

"I hope so."

Lexi's gaze moved back down to Natasha as she took in every detail of the redhead; the creases on her face, the way her nose scrunched up slightly as she breathed, the few freckles that dotted her face. Before Lexi knew it, her hand reached out, brushing a stray eyelash from Natasha's cheek. Lexi quickly withdrew her hand, expecting the redhead to stir after the contact, but she lay peacefully, still knocked unconscious after the hit she took.

"She still out?" Steve asked, a small smile on his face as he watched the entire interaction, seeing the loving way Lexi looked at Natasha.

"Yeah, I would move her but..."

"She looks peaceful."

"I was gonna say she's too heavy, but we'll go with that."

Steve let out a light chuckle as Lexi averted her eyes from his gaze, feeling a blush form on her cheeks as she realised that he probably seen the way she looked at Nat.

"She looks at you like that too, you know," he admitted after seeing the flustered state the brunette was in.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you were to make a move, she probably wouldn't refuse."

"I'm not gonna take dating advice from someone who lived in the 40s, no offence, Stevo."

"Just think about it."

Lexi nodded in response before looking back at Natasha. Maybe making a move wouldn't be the worst thing she could do.

Lexi was on full alert as the three walked up the steps to Steve's friend's house, the brunette constantly looking over her shoulder in fear that someone would recognise them and alert SHIELD. Natasha had woken shortly before they arrived back in Washington, causing for an awkward encounter when she woke up on top of Lexi, the redhead quickly getting off and avoiding eye contact with the brunette, not wanting her to see the blush forming on her cheeks.

Untrustworthy | N. RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now