Chapter 18

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Dabi took pictures as he noticed the two cuddling. He was jealous but blackmail was at its best beat. He was supposed to wake them up since they didn't. Tomaru heard a click and woke up to see Dabi taking pictures. He felt something and looked at the small orange head hugging him in his arms.

The male glared at Dabi. He could scream but the child was sleeping peacefully. So he gave him the middle finger instead and threw a cord at him. The male ran away and laughed quietly.

Tomaru looked down and stared at the male. He laid his head on his pillow sighing. He moved his hair off his forehead smiling. He grabbed his arms softly and tried to remove them. The child groaned and continued to hug but even tighter.

"Wake up!"He said shaking him as the boy turns away.

"Dad five minutes!"Hinata said pulling the blankets over his head.

Tomaru stared at the child and sighed as he sat on his bed. He shook him as the child ignored him. He glared as he put his hand on his face to cover it.

"Wake up!"

He heard nothing and started shaking him again. In the future, he reminded himself to never have children. Hinata slowly woke up and looked at Tomaru. His eyes widen looking around then at him.

"Oh."He mumbles with a sad expression on his face.

He thought was home. He felt so comfortable as if his dad was near him that he completely forgot he was stuck in a different world. It freaked him out and yet made him upset. Almost heartbroken.

Tomaru looked at him worried. "You okay?"

"Yeah...I'm going to go to the bathroom."He said getting off the bed then walking to the bathroom.

The male watched as the kid left the room. Hinata made it to the bathroom and saw an extra toothbrush. It was blue with random yellow stars. It was in a packet and wasn't open. He smiled then opened it. He used the brush then washed his face just to look at himself.

Hinata knows some people don't have the best relationships with their parents especially with their dad but for him, he does. He loves his dad the most. He wasn't just handsome. He was understanding, sweet and kind. Even though he works a lot and over exhausts himself. He sees his father as a model figure.

His dad was too kind to him, caring enough for everything. He really loved his dad in his heart. Even though he should love both his parents. His dad was the one dearest to him. His dad was the only person he could trust.

His mom was someone more hard on them and always wanted to keep in check on them. She made sure he was okay and he liked it. He liked when his mom would make him laugh. She was very funny and very abnormal. She was an odd one but he loved her.

He just wishes to see them. To meet them again. Go home, but he couldn't. He would notice how homesick he would get. His dad here said he could possibly start developing separation anxiety.

"Kid! You still in there?"Tomaru asked suddenly freaking Hinata out of his thoughts.

"Ye...Yes. Yeah, I am. I'm done."He said and opened the door to see the male's red eyes.

"SSSSHHHOOOUUYYYYOOOOUUU!"Toga yelled and stood with her arms right open equating. "BREAKFAST!"

He laughed and hugged her. Toga hugged him back excitedly. She was like a child given candy. She looked at Hinata then pinched his cheeks.

"Why are you so cute!"She exclaimed.

"Oh, I forgot! Come on let's eat some breakfast!"She pulled him to the dining room.

They all smiled as he walked in. Hinata sat next to Toga who smiled gleamingly. Kurogiri put down a bunch of food around the table. A Japanese traditional breakfast. Hinata smiled with a bow of his head.

He started to eat after speaking a few words. Hinata started eating his Tamago Kake Gohan. He ate bits but it suddenly hit him. His mom used to make this every morning with miso soup, omelet, and spicy rice cakes. She was obsessed with spies.

"What's wrong?"Dabi quickly asked seeing the boy was about to cry.

"I miss my mom."He said as he put his chopsticks down.

They stopped eating to look at him. Hinata wiped his tears and continued to eat every last bit as they watched. Tomaru walked in and saw what was going on. His mom?

They continued eating without asking any questions. After they were done. It was Twice turn to clean the dishes which Hinata wanted to help. Soon after, Hinata looked at the time.

He grabbed his bag that was on the couch then smiled. "Well...I have to go to school now. Thanks for everything."

Toga gulped and so did the others. Couldn't he just stay longer? One more night? Maybe a year? Or forever? Dabi shook his head then held himself.

"Call us...if you need anything."Twice ruffled his hair.

"Yeah! And...and you will know where we are once you me too."Toga mumbled and Hinata hummed.

"Okay thank you!"He smiled and bowed.

"I had fun! Have a great day!"Hinata said and walked out the door making Toga sigh.

"We should tell the other villains. We have to protect that kid."Kurogiri said and they turned to him.

"We can't let him get hurt. He's too precious."Twice said and gulped.

"We should follow him. What if he gets hurt?"Magne asked and Tomaru sighed.

"Let him be, for now, let's do our job."He said and looked at Kurogiri who nodded.

Hinata looked and saved the address to his phone. Hinata walked home with his phone GPS. He knocked on the door and saw his uncle.

"SHO!"He yelled and hugged Hinata as he cried.

Shiro heard his name and ran to the front door. He quickly went to him then pulled his friend away from Hinata then hugged him. Tamagaki glared at Shiro who held Hinata closely. He was just glad he was okay. Both males were in relief to see him alive and okay.

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