Chapter 6

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Do or Not | Pentagon

Hinata swore that he would just go home, but at lunch, he was invited to have some tea. Yea, tea. When he did message his so-called "father." The man was worried about him. Of course, he couldn't say no but he couldn't say yes either. He only got through it with his "uncle" answer.

He's just sitting there, drinking tea and having a chocolate croissant like there is no tomorrow. He stared at his new friend who was busy reading a book. He didn't look like someone who could read but if you see his actions, attitude, and personality. Definitely, you'll see it.

"So...why did you invite me if you're going to read?"Hinata asked and the male scoffed.

"Wow, that's rude. I just want company. Also, relax I'm not going to kill you."He said sipping his tea like a British man.


He looked at the ladies looking at Ide and squeezing. He was handsome for sure and had the looks but he was just an odd one. Hinata sighed and stared at the male reading about self romantic stories. Seriously, he thought he was reading about fantasy or at least action.

"What are you reading about?"Hinata asked him and he smiled.

"Well it's a girl, she likes the first guy obviously but there is a problem. The first guy likes this second guy but that second guy doesn't like him but the girl that likes the first guy."Ide said excitedly while Hinata blinked his eyes quickly.

He had no understanding of what the man said but he just nodded. What was he saying? He didn't want to know anymore.

"So...spoil it for me,"Hinata told him and he came closer.

"So what happens is the two guys start meeting each other. Since the second guy found out the girl like the first guy, he planned to figure out a way to get them close. Like being invited to the movies but canceling it for himself so the second guy would go with the girl."He nods and raised an eyebrow.

Hinata stared at him starting to get really excited about explaining the story. "But here is the thing, the girl thinks the second guy likes the first guy and started watching them. She would separate them and stay with the first guy."

"The problem was is that, the second guy started noticing about how he started to dislike the girl and liked more of the first guy. I'm still reading that there is a third guy involved now."He said and Hinata just nodded again.

"Interesting."He mumbles and took a sip of his tea.

"Also, thanks for paying for the tea. I'll pay you back. It's really good."Hinata told him and the male nodded then looked back to read his book.

There was a loud bang that made heads turn. Hinata looked out the window to see it was a fight. Loud and big. He shook his head and turned to see his friend still reading his book. He's not going to get that off his nose, is he?

"Why don't we leave and go somewhere quiet?"Hinata asked wanting to go far away from the fight even if it's not that close.

"Yeah, wanna go get some snacks and chill in the park?"He asked and Hinata nodded.

They both got up with their plastic cup of tea and a bag of chocolate croissants. Hinata opened the door and both of them got out to their way. Hinata looked behind him to see some people jumping over him or flying. He sighed and didn't acknowledge it. It's not cool unless it's Iron man.

Hinata felt pushed and saw some male with almost like purple scars around his face. He had staples on them for the most part. Who the hell does that? Villains? Or maybe something stupid happened that they're mentally just done with it? Yeah, the second one was his answer of course.

"Why don't we just go home? It's starting to get dangerous."Ide said pushing his rounded glasses up.

"Yeah...sure. Don't forget to do your part for the English project."Hinata told him as the boy just glared at him.

One thing for sure. He hated homework. He hated how Hinata reminded him of homework when he could just read all day. He would love to kill whoever created homework. It was a stupid idea for sure.

The rain started pouring which made it difficult for Hinata to not get wet. Hinata quickly walked home and looked down at his phone to see his team. His volleyball team. He missed them so much. He felt like he wasn't himself anymore because of how much the place he is in already changed him. Hinata bumped into something and his phone fell.

"Sorry."He bowed and picked up his phone.

He looked up to see a male. He looked familiar. Right, he was the first person who he met when he got here. If he could remember what this male does, he doesn't know at all. Why does he look like Kageyama though? Angry and part-time stupid.

"You....I've been looking for you."

He heard the voice that reminded him of Nishinoya. He's been looking for him? He sounded just like Nishinoya, he wanted to cry. He wanted to go home. He looked at the blonde male and bowed ninety degrees again.

"I'm sorry. Why are you looking for me?"He asked and Bakugo glared at him.

Bakugo took his arm and pulled him to the shade since it started raining heavily. Hinata looked at the rain and felt calm. Maybe it was because he wanted to cry but the sky did it for him. Bakugo looked at him and put his hands in his pockets.

"What's your name?"He asked the orange-haired male.

"Hinata Shouyou,"Hinata told the male who was looking at him.

He was confused why the blonde male was staring at him like that. "Yours?"

"Bakugo Katsuki."Hinata nodded and looked at the rain.

"I want to know you more."

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