Chapter 27

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Hinata walked out of the gate from school. He waved at his classmates then felt an arm around his shoulder. He felt it tightening around his neck. Then his head went under someone's shoulder.

"Ide stop that!"Hinata said annoyed then tried to pull off to which he did.

He smacked the back of his head. "OW!"

"You are a strong mother trucker."He said glaring.

Hinata snickered and Ide sighed. He used to talk to Hinata all nice and sweet because he was a baby to him but because of Bakugo, he can't look at him the same. That inexistent virus was everywhere like a stalker.

""Hinata looked up to see Todoroki with a smile.

"Oh, Todoroki?"Hinata said making the male feel sad.

"Oh finally someone quiet and not a sucking face loud freak ready to go to the circus,"Ide said making Hinata roll his eyes playfully.

"What are you doing here?"He asked and Todoroki smiled.

"I couldn't get a hold of you and wanted to check if you're okay. I was wondering if you would like to get some soba."He said and then looked at Ide.

"It's on me."

Ide eyes widen and slapped Hinatas back. "Heck yeah, I'm so in."

"Thank you for the food. LET'S GO!"Ide yelled skipping then stopped to see his friends standing there.

"Come on!"He said and Hinata smiled at Todoroki.

"Sure I'll come,"Hinata told him. "It's nice seeing you again."

Hinata started walking with Todoroki as Ide walked in front of them. He was so hungry after hearing about soba and free food. He loved books but the food was more important than anything including sleep.

"How are you since the incident?"Todoroku asked him.

"I found out you went back home and they let you go."Hinata hummed smiling.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good. I'm just glad to be back to school again."He said smiling and he hummed.

They made it to the restaurant and sat on a seat. The waitress comes and Hinata frowns. He looked at the menu in his hands seeing how expensive it was. He looked at Ide who had the same look then turned to Todoroki.

"They have great soba here. Trust me."He said and Hinata gulped.

"Don't even worry about the payment. It's my old man card."Hinata raised his father.

"Sperm donor."

Ide coughed as Hinata click his tongue understanding the situation. Still, it wasn't right. He sighed but ignored it since it was none of his business. Even if he is curious, he doesn't want Todoroki uncomfortable.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom real quail. Just get me soba and potato salad."Ide said and got up leaving the table for the two to be alone.

"I will have soba and cold tofu,"Hinata said handing the waitress the menu.

She left with their orders. Todoroki looked at Hinata for a moment and thought a few things. He was cute. He is worried about him and how he feels happy that Hinata agreed.

"Shouyou...Call me Shoutou."Todoroki said and Hinata looked at him.

Hinata looked at him confused. "I call you by your name. It feels wrong without you calling my name."

"Oh...okay Shoutou,"Hinata said and chuckled.

"Shouyou and Shoutou. That rhymes."He said and Todoroki nodded with a smile on his face seeing Hinata smile.

Hinata turned his head and looked to see Ide by the bathroom hall. Just standing there talking to some girl. Looked like Ide was flirting since the girl was blushing. Hinata rolled his eyes. Can he really not hold his pants for a day?

"What is he doing?"Todoroki asked Hinata not knowing what is going on between the two.

"He's flirting."He sighed then looked at Ide smirk. "Disgusting."

"Here are your orders. Thank you for coming."Hinata turned his head and looked at the food being put on the table.

"Thank you,"Hinata said as Todoroki and he bow their heads.

She walked away and Hinata thanked the food before eating like he always does. Ide came back and started eating his food. It was quiet and calm until they finished eating. Todoroki paid for their food and Ide smirked holding out his phone.

Hinata glared knowing the male had gotten what he needed. He's too tired to even care what exactly he is happy about now.

"I got her number."He smirked and Hinata rolled his eyes.

"Good to know."

"Stop acting like that brat,"Ide said and Hinata frowned.

"Who?"Hinata said cluelessly.

"Bakugo fucking crusty ass Katsuki."He said and Hinata rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to use those words for future reference,"Todoroki said writing them on his phone.

"Geez chill with the curse words and I'm not crusty,"Hinata said and sighed. "I don't scream or yell like I just saw Exo or Girls Generation."

"Who's that?"Todoroki asked Hinata.

Hinata looked at him for a moment and remembered he's in a different world. "Anyways it doesn't matter."

Todoroki pouted and Hinata sighed. He was about to call his friends uncultured swine. He seriously needs to keep up with the latest here instead of his home. Though he thought Vixx group was the concept kings. He sighed again annoyed.

He's been sighing too much today and he knows that. He just feels exhausted from everyone and wants to read. He wants to nap. He wants to sleep forever. Hinata's best nap so far was six hours long. He doesn't call it sleep. If it was a good long nap, then it's not sleep. There is a difference.

He heard his phone ring making him jump. He heard a laugh then turned to Ide who gave him a side-eye. Hinata glared at him then answered the phone without seeing who called.

He heard a loud scream in the other line. "Hello?"

"Shouyou, can you come and meet us at the hospital?"He heard Kirishima

"Why?"He asked worriedly.

"Bakugo is in the hospital."

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