Chapter 24

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"Sho? Do you want to come to work with me today?"Shiro asked looking at Hinata by his door.

Hinata was lying in bed bored out of his mind. The talk yesterday and playing Uno with his uncle made him burst out all of the energy he could have before the morning. He wasn't tired, he was just lazy.

"Come on. It will be fun. You'll learn some new things."He said making Hinata groan as he sat up.

"I'll buy some meat buns for lunch."

Hinata turned to him with his eyes sparkling. "Okay!"

Shiro chuckled as Hinata got up and quickly went to grab some clothes him his closet. He left his room and went to open the guest room to see his best friend snoring his butt off.  He sighed and left him be.

He knew Tamagaki would throw a fit if he woke him up. He wasn't the nicest person when he's awake in the morning. He's worse when he's awoken from a good dream. He becomes the devil trapped in a crazy man's body.

"Is uncle still taking his nap?"Hinata asked Shiro which made him jump a little.

"Oh...yeah. Seems like he's going to take a whole night sleep instead of a nap."He said and Hinata chuckled.

Shiro closed the door slowly and went to grab his bag. He took out his keys and got to the front door. Hinata followed and they both put on their shoes then left the apartment. Hinata sighed as he saw Shiro walking alone after locking the door.

Hinata quickly walked to him then held his arm. "Dad you forgot me."

"Sorry."He said with a smile. "I got lost with my thoughts."

"About what?"Hinata asked and Shiro smiled at him.

"If I could kick out your uncle or not. He needs to go back to his own home. I can't afford him."He told Hinata who grinned.

They both went to their car and Hinata sat on the passenger seat. Shiro sat in the driver's seat buckled up like Hinata and they both left. Shiro noticed Hinata wore the yellow sweater with a cartoon of a baby duck on it with some black jeans. That was the sweater he bought for him that would look cute on him.

"These shoes are so comfortable. These would be good if I were to play volleyball or run."Hinata said which made Shiro melt.

"Yeah? Why don't make a club at school and make a volleyball practice? I know in this world there isn't a chance to go against each other in games or make it to nationals like you said but you'll probably make others learn how you live normally just like how you live here with quirks."He said and Hinata looked at him.

"That's a great idea!"He told Shiro.

Hinata looked outside the window as Shiro continued to drive. He didn't pity or feel bad. He felt worried, he felt sad. He hated that some people had to deal with so much, just for him to come in and pretend to fix it. He can't fix things. He can only make things the way they are.

He just liked that Shiro cared for him. That he has someone here without feeling too alone in an unknown world. It felt so unfamiliar to him that it's starting to become normal. After all, it's been months since he's been here. He's met and given so much. He's grateful for it.

Once they made it there, he felt like something familiar. "This is where I first met you and took you in."

Hinata paused and turned to Shiro who smiled. He parked and got out with his stuff. Hinata got out and followed him. He went into the building behind Shiro. The older male turned and held out his hand.

"It's a little crowded today. Just hold my hand so you don't get lost."He said and Hinata hummed.

Hinata took his hand and followed Shiro or dad figure in the quirk world. He smiled as Shiro showed him his office. He put his bag down and smiled.

"Nice office. How long did it take you to become this profound doctor?"Hinata asked him.

"A long time. I graduated school at fourteen, when to college then university. Twelve years of school plus four extra years. It was hard but I pulled it off."Hinata hummed.

"And what about your daily life? Did you have friends or play games? Did you play sports?"Shiro stopped then looked at him.

Shiro thought for a moment then shook his head. He was always busy with school just to show his parents he was talented. He didn't want to disappoint them and wanted to be the best for them. Just when he reached his goal. He got nothing.

"I only knew Tamagaki since we were childhood neighbors. We became friends but no. I did not."Hinata frowned and felt sad for him.

"Come on let me get my patient files and meet some cool people,"Shiro said and Hinata smiled nodding only feeling bad for him.

He walked with him out of his office and started working once he logged himself in. He went to grab his files and meet patients. Hinata watched him. So he didn't have a childhood. All he did was study. He looks happy but was he really happy?

"Oi! What are you doing here?"Hinata turned to see Bakugo staring at him.

"Oh! Bakugo! I'm with my dad. He's a doctor here. How about you?"He asked Bakugo quickly.

"Shitty hair and Pikachu hurt themselves after a fight outside."Hinata nodded.

"Hey um...I wanted to know if you would like to come over tomorrow? After school, you know."He mumbles and Hinata raises an eyebrow.

"Oh...yeah sure. Just have to ask my dad."He said as Shiro came to Hinata.

"Shouyou..."He paused to look at the blond "Who's this?"

"Oh, this is Bakugo Katsuki. He's a friend of mine."Hinata said and Bakugo bowed.

"Oh, I see. Well nice to meet you. Do you want to stay with him or do you want to continue meeting patients with me? Your choice."Shiro smiled at Hinata.

"I think I'll come with you. Bakugo might go back to his injured friends."He said and Bakugo stared at Hinata.

"I'll probably see you tomorrow. I'll text you if I do come okay."Bakugo nodded quickly and bowed then left.

Hinata turned to Shiro who raised an eyebrow. "He asked if I wanted to come over to his house."

"Do you want to?"Shir asked him.


"Okay, then we can go tomorrow after school. It's nice to see you making more friends."Shiro said ruffling his hair with a smile.

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