Chapter 2

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Hello Stranger | Stray Kids

Hinata woke up and looked to see an unfamiliar place. He looked at the floor and saw his phone then got up to look around him to see walls. This wasn't where he slept last night.

He walked and looked to see someone getting punched. His eyes widen and saw some type of green light, just like he saw that night. He smacked himself on the cheeks thinking he was in a dream but it wasn't. It was real.

He looked as some explosions and ice had been thrown. He was so confused. He just woke up on the floor and now sees people with superpowers fighting bad guys. What a great morning isn't it? He thought.

He right then and there fainted. Dabi looked and picked up the kid. Into which Bakugo saw.

"Not on my watch."He mumbles and ran to Dabi, exploding beside him that Hinata fell off his arms.

Ochako used her gravity to pick up the boy. She looked at him confused and quickly took him to the hospital. She put him on the stretcher and the doctor checked up on him.

For some reason. Bakugo walked that same way. He saw the male and frowned. He looked as if he was an orange. Not only that, reminded him of "Deku" himself.

He stormed off before Ochako could say a word and left back to the UA campus. Midoryia frowned and felt his shoulder pushed by Bakugo who looked mad. Even Kirishma was surprised by his aura. The male was really mad and they were confused about why.

Bakugo felt down, some reason he saw the boy hurt in some way. Instead of worrying about the villains they should've thought about the civilians. He thanked himself for saving the male but now he's wondering how he is. He doesn't know why but he is and yet he doesn't want to show it. He felt failure and guilt.

When the doctors checked on Hinata's identification. He was unknown. It was an error. Nothing was there. No name, date of birth, blood type. Nothing. They checked their machines a few times. He was an unknown male.

Hinata didn't wake up somehow and one of the doctors knew he had to be taken away from here. What if something happened to the child if he stayed longer? He thought a few times until he decided to grab a wheelchair.

If he stayed there too long, they would poison him or kill him instead. He brought it and picked up the male to the wheelchair then put a blanket on him. He put a seatbelt around him to secure his waist then put a mask around his cheeks. He took off his glasses and put it on then took him. He smiled as he walked away.

Trying to hide the fact he was taking him away. He soon took him to the elevator which he was alone. He pressed to the garage. He got there and got out to go to his car. He pressed it and quickly put the child in the back with the wheelchair in the back of the car. He closed both the doors then called the hospital for an early release.

He quickly started his car and left the hospital to his home. He looked at the kid a few times. Seeing that the boy wasn't going to wake up any time soon.

That's when he finally made it home.

It's been two months since the boy was stuck in the universe and the man's home. Hinata didn't wake up, however, the man did some tests. The boy was not in this world. He seemed to have a different DNA but the same blood type. However, he had no quirk.

The man gave the child a new identity from a friend who worked with him. The only name he knew was Hinata Shouyou because of his phone. It seemed that it wasn't working here either.

During those two months, it was found that Hinata was missing. They couldn't find them and had to search around but they couldn't find them. Only for Bakugo to think he was taken by the villains or ran away.

"Mom?"He mumbles and opens his eyes looking around.

He frowned and looked at the life machine with an oxygen mask. He was so confused about why it was a room and not a hospital. The doctor came and opened the door. He saw Hinata awake and smiled. The boy was confused and freaked out.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you. I'm trying to help you."He said walking to him then smiled.

"Are you feeling okay?"Hinata nodded and gulped looking at his shirt.

He saw a weird man on there and frowned. "Who...who's that?"

"Oh right. I presume you don't know where you are right?"He nodded and the doctor sighed.

"Well do you want me to begin to talk what happened to you or would you like some rest?"He asked and Hinata blinked.

"I'd...I'd like to know."

"Alright, so one of the hero's, Ground Zero saved you and was brought to the hospital. They checked up on you and couldn't find you in any records so I took you in order to keep you safe. I thought they could kill you if you were stuck there. You've been in a coma for three months and I'm not sure why."He said and stared at Hinata in a serious face.

"But I do have a question. Who are you Hinata Shouyou and why are you here?"He asked and Hinata frowned.

"I...I don't know. I remember falling asleep and woke up on the street. I...I saw some people fighting and it freaked me out. Am I in a different world?"He asked the man who stared at him confused.

"Different world?"He nods and Hinata looked at his shirt.

"W...we don't have that. Uh...we don't have people fighting with powers. They are just cartoons for us."He told the man who sighed.

"Alright, we will figure this out later. Right now. Just rest so you can have some energy for food later."

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