Chapter 13

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"I have never seen you before but I feel a connection towards you as if I know you,"Bokuto said and Hinata smiled.

"I'm sure it's a past life. Maybe in another life."Hinata told him smiling.

They went to a café that wasn't too loud not too quiet since the music was blasting. It was just some lofi songs. Hinata went to the register and smiled.

"Ice Americano please."

The lady in the register was confused. "Ice Americano?"

"Sorry I mean Ice Espresso!"Hinata said and she nodded.

"I'll get the Vanilla bean Frappuccino,"Bokuto said looking at the menu.

Hinata turned to see the two boys were just looking at the cashier weirdly. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. Hinata just went to pay then take his seat. Bokuto followed him nervously. He sat next to Hinata who smiled brightly.

"So...Bokuto. How long have they been bullying you?"Hinata asked and Bokuto looked at him.

Hinata noticed the tension between himself and Bokuto. He seemed afraid to answer. Even tenser especially around the shoulders. His legs were tightly together with his hand on his knees.

"I'm not here to judge."

"Since middle school."He blurred in a whisper.

"I see..."Hinata mumbles as he stared at the boy whose head was down. "I think they are just probably mad."

Bokuto frowned and stared at Hinata. "Why?"

"Because with that power it comes responsibility but also tension. They have to have power, their families can be a little more nasty and vile when it comes to them. I think most people who have powers are stressed in order to impress everyone, their families but never themselves."Hinata told Bokuto who gulped.

"They are jealous that you don't have to go through that way yet you have experiences of not having powers which feels taboo when it isn't,"Hinata said as Todoroki brought their drinks to them.


"I just think that not having powers makes you strong enough with the people who do. People make it seem like it's terrible but it's a good thing. It's not weird and it's not normal but unique."He smiled and Bokuto gulped.

Bakugo stared at Hinata as he sat down hearing that conversation. Todoroki leaned his arm on the table with his right hand under his chin and his left hand with his cold brew tea. They were both surprised.

"But no matter what people say, they don't care. You have to have powers to live."Bokuto told Hinata.

"No... I don't think so. I think you can live without powers. I think there are reasons to our existence and if you find that I think you'll find the power to live without others matter."Hinata said patting Bokuto's shoulder.

"Just do this...breath and do what your intuition tells you to do, then you'll find the path that changes your perception of who you are."

"Thank you..."Bokuto mumbles. "It means a lot."

"And to you both as well,"Bokuto said looking at Todoroki and Bakugo.

"Don't be a bitch and just punch him,"Bakugo said and Hinata pouted.

"Don't listen to him,"Hinata said smiling as he drank his drink.

The two powerful men in the cafe just sat watching Hinata and Bokuto talk. It was calming for them that Bakugo almost fell asleep. He hated random music he doesn't know or fit his category of taste. Todoroki on the other hand was busy staring at Hinata.

Todoroki had an epiphany. As if the gods were to tell him an Angel across from him needed to be protected and secured. He could almost feel that something didn't feel right but he had no idea what it was. When he sees Hinata he feels happy yet worried for him.

"Take a picture instead of staring at him like an old man,"Bakugo told him with a glare.

"Bakugo that isn't nice to say. You can't take pictures without consent."Todoroki said as Bakugo scoffed.

Bakugo sighed and looked at Hinata. Hinata was happy, he was smiling. They liked it like that. Bakugo liked it. It was calming to see Hinata being happy. He felt comfortable and completely welcomed rather than awkward.

Bakugo noticed how open he felt with Hinata. He never knew why though. He didn't hate it but always wondered what was up with him. What was up with being stuck up into Hinatas ass? He wasn't sure but all he knew, he wasn't going to let him get hurt.

After a while, it started to get dark and Bokuto had to go home. They exchange numbers with Bokuto after leaving the café doors. The boy waved and walked to the left side of the road.

"Had fun?"Bakugo asked almost angrily.

"Yes! Thank you so much for everything! Hopefully, we get to hang out like this again."Hinata bowed then smiled at the two.

"Hope you both get home safely and text me when you do."He said and the two males with quirks nodded.

"Alright have a good night!"Hinata exclaimed and got on his bike to start riding back home.

Todoroki sighed and watch Hinata leave. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to follow him,"Bakugo said glaring at Todoroki.

"You really don't know when to give him space do you?"He asked the male who continued to glare at him.

"SHUT UP HALF-AND-HALF BASTARD!"He yelled which made Todoroki show a smug look.

Todoroki walked away and smiled. He knew what he said was right. He knew Bakugo was upset at this point even if the boy only showed anger.

"THIS DICKHEAD POPSICLE!"Bakugo glared following behind the male.

Todoroki thought today was a good day. He didn't follow Hinata like Bakugo did but he was walking around the street since he didn't feel well.

He could say the remembrance of his past keeps clogging his throat. As if death was near but now it feels far away that it's hard to touch. All he can do was keep moving on even if it was hard to leave the scars behind.

it is almost 3 am. really have been trying to work things through and getting better. hopefully you all do too if your not doing well.

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