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Well as you all know that this book was completed but due to some reasons I deleted it..... 😞😞😞🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧

But now! I'm uploading this completed book again from Chapter 1! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

But sadly there will be no memes no pic.... Only stories but some readers wanted to read so I decided to upload this again.

So let's begin the part 1 journey again!!! 😍


Beautiful morning!!! Sun rising...! Early morning time.....

*beep beep beep* (alarm clock sound)

" Aaarrghhh can anyone just break this alarm clock!!!!. I want to sleep more~ " Said none other than... GULF😍.

He hates to wake early.. But today he have to.

" Baby.... Come on wakie wakie... Wake up otherwise you will be late!! " said Gulf's mom while waking him.

" Mom.. Please let me sleep for 5mins more~~~" Said Gulf whining like a baby. Gulf's mom patted softly on gulf's forehead.

" Baby.. Today is your college's first day.. Aren't you excited? Come on get up and get ready.. Otherwise you will be late. " Gulf suddenly woke up and said...

"ohh yes! I forgot that! I don't want to be late!! " By saying this he ran to the bathroom. Gulf's mom chuckled and go to kitchen for making breakfast.

Gulf's mom is a single mother, his father and mother get divorced when Gulf was 6 years old.
She is a single mother but she is so proud on Gulf for being a obedient and supportive kid.

She is so strong, so is her baby boy!

Gulf came to the kitchen after finishing his shower and he dresses simple...still looking like an angel. His mom served him breakfast and he finished it quickly. Suddenly the door bell rang.

*ting tong ting tong ting tong*

" I know who is this at this time. Finally he came. I thought he will not! " Said Gulf while his mother went to the door to open and welcome....

" Hello!! my beautiful aunt! " Said none other than MILD😁... Gulf's best friend since childhood.

" Finally , idiot shown his face.... I don't know how my day will go now.. Probably bad. " Gulf said while chuckling.

" Aunt see, he is teasing me again!! " said mild while pouting!

"Gulf, don't tease him and come on boys... You both will be late. Come on go now!! " Said Gulf's mom to both.

" Yes mom we will take a leave... See you soon bye! " Said Gulf and giving a peck on his mother cheeks.

" Bye aunt... See yaa!! " Said mild waving at Gulf's mom.

" Bye boys!!! have a great day!! " said mom while waving them back.. And soon both the boys went for their college with their bikes. But gulf was unaware that what is awaiting for his first day of college.........

Meanwhile at the same early morning,

" 41.. 42..43..44..45..46..47..48..49...." At the beautiful backyard, someone was doing morning exercise , pushups!!!.. None other than MEW🔥!

Mew is very health conscious, he loves to do gym, exercise to be fit and handsome!

" Son, good morning... Come on finish your exercise fast and get ready.. Otherwise you will be late!!! " Said Mew's mom.

" Yes mom I know today is my first day of college. Don't worry, I will be ready soon! "

" Good, your breakfast is ready so, be quick my dear!! " Said mew's mom.

" Hey son good morning!! " Said mew's dad... I mean step dad! Yes you heard it right....

Mew's first dad died due to a car accident when Mew was 10yrs old. After that, Mew's mom married another man for Mew's sake so that he will get a father love. Though his step dad is loving and caring towards both, but Mew never accepted him as a father, he never gives them that respect or place in his heart.

" If you are wishing me morning... Do you really think it will be good for me... Don't even care. " Said Mew coldly to his step dad. His dad felt bad but he is used to it so he gave a fake smile and went to the bedroom.

" Mew, please stop behaving so cold to him... He really loves you! " Said Mew's mom having few tears in her eyes.

" But I don't... So as if I care!! " Said Mew and he went to his bedroom together ready for college.
After getting ready, he came to the dining hall for the breakfast but then....

" Son, this is for you. Today is your first day. Consider this as a present for your first day. " said Mew's step dad while giving Mew a very expensive pen as a gift.

" Thank you but.... I don't want it! " Said Mew without looking at him.

" Mew, he bought this for you with all his hearts, accept it for my sake please! " pleaded his mom.

" Okay, i will do as you say... Love you mom! " Said Mew while accepting the gift.

" Thank you son.. Love you too! Now finish your breakfast fast otherwise you will be late! " Mew really loves his mom a lot, he can't deny her orders. His dad was happy at least he accepted the gift

(A/N:- guys... Don't hate Mew... He just can't accept his father)

" Mom, I m done. I finished breakfast so now I m leaving bye!! " Said Mew to his mom.

" Have a good day son! Bye drive safe. " Said his mom while giving a hug to Mew. After hugging back, Mew left.

Mew was about to unlock his car, his phone rang....( yes he has his own car because his step dad is the CEO of a company so he is very rich and this car is gifted by his dad .Though he doesn't want to accept, his mom insisted, so he can't deny! )

Mew:- Hello?

Other person on phone :- You idiot!!! Where the hell are you????? I'm waiting for you for you like ages. When will you come?????????? *shouting at call*

Mew:- Stop shouting asshole!!!!!!. I am not deaf. Im on my way. Wait for me!!

Other person :- Come fast!!!!!!!! And he hangs up the call.

" Such a bossy!!! " Said Mew for his best friend... LHONG!🤓 Yes... That person was LHONG ... Mew's best friend! Or I can say.. Brothers from another mother. They are the bestest buddies.

Mew then started his car and he drove fast as soon as possible to reach college, he doesn't want to be late in the first day itself.

He was unaware that what is awaiting for his first day of college.


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Stay safe and happy guys😃!! Take care of yourself my peeps😇💕
Keep smiling....

- chubby

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