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Let's start...! 😍😍


Firstly, James told Mew to go for trial. Mew was feeling a bit insecure. He doesn't want to leave his baby alone here.

It's not like he is doubting on P'James, but his obsession makes him feel insecure.

" P'James I guess we both can go together and change, it will save time what's say??? We oftenly did! " James laughed loudly and gulf face turned red.

" Mewwww~! Just go and change I m here. It's my order. Go now!!! " Gulf ordered like a sulky wife. Mew smirked.

" Already behaving like a wife!!....I like that baby!! Fine, I will go for trial first. Don't move, be here! " Mew ordered and Gulf nodded with a beautiful smile.
When Mew went for trial and James's secretary to help Mew, James turned his face to Gulf.

" Gulf, can I have a word with you?? If you don't mind!! " Said P'James.

" Yes P'James, what happened?? " Gulf was worriedly.

" You really love Mew right??? Don't take me wrong darling....I mean you don't have any second thoughts for this marriage right??? " Said James.

" P'James, why are you thinking like this? I love Mew with all my hearts. And I don't have any second thoughts for this. Why are you asking this? " Gulf was getting nervous.

" Hey boy, don't be nervous. It's just that I know Mew since he was in highschool. I know him more than you. If he loves anyone, he becomes very possessive.

It's not like he never had a boyfriend or girlfriend in early days, but no one loevs him truly, Only loves his money.

But for his family also he is very protective. Even for me also, he is!! Hehe

Gulf, I just wanna say Mew is that kind of person who never gets enough love and attention.

Since childhood, he never get family attention as they were busy with the business.

Mew always try to find love and warmth, but never got. But now I m happy he finally found his love and warmth, which is you. " Gulf blushed but he felt bad to hear that Mew was lonely kid. He wants to give more love to Mew.

James smiled when he saw Gulf blushed and he said....

" Gulf, can you promise me one thing?? " Gulf nodded.

" You will never gonna leave mew no matter what. He needs someone.

That kid who always used to lock himself in room and cry his lungs out is still in that room only.

Gulf, only you can give your hand and take that boy from darkness into brightness. ( both bursted into tears) He need you Gulf... *sobs*

I m like his phi and I always care for him. Gulf promise me you will always love him and take care of him, will you?? " James said while sobbing. He always want mew to have someone he can love and be alive again.

" P'James, thank you so much for sharing this with me. I promise you phi, I will always love him now matter what! *sobs*

Mew is my love, soon he will be my husband, my soulmate, my life partner. And I m never gonna leave him. I promise you phi! " James nodded and they both hugged each other while crying.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now