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Gulf immediately went back to his house after buying the necessary groceries and medicines.

When he entered, he saw his mom was sleeping on the couch while watching TV, still having remote in her hand. Gulf chuckled. Now at least his mom will not see the bruised and swelled lips.

Gulf wake her and ask her to take nap in the room not on the couch but she was sleepy. By giving some meds, his mom went to her room for some rest. While Gulf was still thinking about the car moment.

Gulf blushed while thinking about the heated moment they had in the backseat of car.

But also, he confessed to Mew that he still loves him. No doubt that Gulf is not denying the fact that he loves him and wants to be with him again and maybe forever but....

Gulf don't know if his mom is gonna accept mew again?? Also mew's dad hate him for the past. He was very lost in these thought...

Mew I guess.... We can't be together.... I don't deserve you.

I want to marry you! I do always saw this dream... But I doubt that it will be come true or not!

Maybe... This is what destiny wants.

Meanwhile at Mew's house

Mew reached home and entered the house.

" Mom... Mommmmmm.... Daddddd...... Please come out... I need to talk. " Mew's mom and dad immediately came to the living room .

" What happened son??? Is everything ok?? Did something happened?? " His mom get worried. Mew firstly ask them to take a sit on the couch.

" Mom, dad as you both know that I love Gulf. I can do anything to make him mine completely. So..... I..... Want to.... Get married to him. " Mr. And Mrs. Suppasit were so shocked. They can't believe what they just heard. Their eyes widened.

" Marry??? You seriously want to marry him?? Son... You just met him after 4 years. I know as you said that he told you that he loves you too but.... " Said Mew's dad.
Mew interrupted.

" But what dad???? What's wrong in this?? I love him, he loves me, so I want to get married. That's final!! Mom at least you agree with me... Please! " Mew's mom was speechless. She don't know what to say. She just nodded.

" You are accepting this?? " Mew's dad was shocked that she was saying yes to this.

" Honey, they love each other so what's the problem?? " Mew's dad sighed and said...

" Mew... Tell me honestly, you... really love him?? Never gonna leave him also do you think he will never gonna leave you?? "

" Yes dad I love him and never gonna leave him and I believe that he will always be with me. Just say yes dad....... " Mew whinnied like a kid is asked for a teddy to his parents.

They both look at each other and then nodded to Mew. He was so happy today. He hugged them happily.

" Mew but we have to talk about this with his mom. She also have to give an approval for this.

Ohh ohh i have an idea, let's call them for dinner tonight... What say?? " Mew's mom suggested an idea. After listening this, Mew bursted into tears.

" Thank you so so much mom. Really thank you so much!!! I Love you mom!!

I... I have an idea....after dinner, I will propose him today!! But.... Dad is allowing this or still going to be oppose?? "

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now