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Let's begin...!


Mew was so happy to be back in the real world. Jail and rehab was like a complete hell for him. Suddenly a thought strike in mew's mind.

Oh shit!!!!!!!

I forgot to inform lhong about that I came back. Let me call him.

Mew immediately called Lhong.

At that time,

Lhong was in his bedroom with turbo.....naked.....sleeping in each other close embrace. They were making love last night. For them, it was a beautiful and rough night, like always.

They really missed each other.
Back to their moment, lhong and turbo were tired because of their activity, they didn't sleep all night.

(A/N:- These boys 🙈🙈)

Suddenly Lhong's phone rang. Lhong groaned in sleep and picked up the call.

Lhong:- *yawns* hellllooo??

Mew:- Wake up sleepy head!

Lhong:- *eyes widened* m... Mew??? You are back?? When did you....

Mew:- Yes. I am back from the rehabilitation yesterday. Forgot to inform you. Where are you? Come and let's meet.

Lhong:- umm.. I would love to come right now but... At this time I can't.

Mew:- hahaha I know, your love is back right! Mom told me.

Lhong:- yeah, turbo is back now. I m so happy. He made his promise.

Mew:- I am happy for you man. Well, honestly tell me, last night, how many rounds you both have??? *smirk*

Lhong:- Mewwwww~

Mew:- 3?? 4???

Lhong:- Mewww~ stop that.

Mew :- 7?? 10?? Dude... Did you fuck him all night?? Oh my !!lhong. Don't kill your wifey like this.

Lhong:- Shut uppppppp!!!! I swear when I will meet you, I will kill you for this!!!!!!

Mew:- Hahaha okokok I will not tease. Whenever you have time. Let's meet . Bring Turbo also. It being a long time I didn't meet him.

Lhong:- yeah even Turbo said the same. He wants to meet you. Let's plan.

Mew:- This Friday??

Lhong:- Friday.... Ummm.. Not this, let's meet on Sunday. Actually me and turbo have some plans on Friday. *shyly*

Mew:- *smirk* yeah yeah.. Plans... More like... Dirty plans.... *laugh*

Lhong:- Asshole!!! Let's meet on Sunday!! I missed you!

Mew:- *smile* missed you too bro! Sunday done.

Lhong :- yup. Listen I will go now I have to make breakfast for Turbo. I will talk to you later.

Mew:- Such a good hubby! Go and cuddle your wifey now... Haishh after this loooong rough night, I guess now at least made yourself useful for him.

Lhong:- sshhuuutt uuupppp!!!! Mewwww~ bye. Take care!

Mew :- hahahahaha... Bye you too!

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now