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Mew firstly decide to apologize to gulf and his mom for his actions but then he thought that gulf will not accept him.

Mew doesn't want to leave his baby at any cost so he made a plan. The accident was not the part of plan. It really happened with Mew and he was injured.

As like God has given him a punishment but he still use that situation. It's not like the accident was fake. It was real but Mew had only minor injuries.

Mew thought to use this situation as an advantage. He immediately made a plan .

On other hand, Gulf informed his mom and mild about Mew's accident. His mom said that she will come to meet tomorrow and also permitted him to stay with mew.

While mild was in shock. He was actually decided to go on a date with Milly because their relationship is increasing, but this time, his friend needed him more.

So, mild told Milly to postponed their date. Milly understand everything and agreed and also said that she will come with him too.

After an hour, doctor has shifted Mew to a normal ward, so that his family and friends can meet.

Doctor Alex and Mew were friends. Alex had helped Mew a lot of times and also, mew helped him monetarily. Dr. Alex and Mew were talking about the plan.

" Mew, why are you doing this? Just asking. " Alex was curious to know. Mew smirked.

" Alex, I just want Gulf to be mine. I know if he will know that I m fine, so, He will leave me. That's why I made a plan so that he has to be with me for a longer time, forcefully. " Said Mew with an evil smirk.

" You are crazy Mew, but do you really think, this will work???what's the actual plan??? " Alex smirked.

" Whatever.....So my plan is I'm going to do a fake amnesia. In which, I forgot 2 years memories. So, only Gulf will be the one whom I will act like I don't know him.

You have to convince them that I have lost some of my memories. Also give them that fake report and show. Gulf is smart. Im sure he will ask you for the reports, so be ready. Clear?? "

(A/N:- Mastermind Mew!!!!)

" Okay Mew but....What if they came to know about this.... Especially your boyfriend! " Alex teased him. Mew rolled his eyes.

" Alex, nobody will came to know about this. Chill. I know Gulf will feel guilty and he will be with me. Just do as I say. By the way, reports are ready?? You know what to do next right?? " Asked Mew.

" Of course Mew, I know. And yes, reports are ready. " Alex assured Mew. And they shook their hands to seal the deal...or we can say.... evil MEW'S PLAN.

Dr. Alex then left the ward and went to mew's parents to tell them that they can meet now.

They all went to the ward and saw Mew was laying on the bed, with both of his eyes closed, unconscious, bandaged on head, left arm and right leg.

Mew's mom was not able to see her son like this. She was crying while looking at Mew. She was keep calling his name, but no answer.

Gulf was really happy that Mew is out of danger now. But, He was still feeling guilty about everything.
After few minutes, Mew opened his eyes slowly. He started to move and let out a fake hoarse sigh.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now