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Mew was sitting in a press conference. He is the CEO of Suppasit enterprises so he always have to attend and interact with media too.

Mew is popular person so he always have to deal with media and press, but he knows how to handle them with his savage answers.

Media were asking him a lot of questions related to work, company, personal life and Mew was answering them so nicely and smartly that press were getting impressed by him.

Suddenly an interviewer got up and asked a question to mew.

Interviewer:- Good morning sir. I have a question for you, may I?

Mew:- Good morning gentlemen. Go ahead. After all we came here for this only!! *wink*

Interviewer:- We have heard a shocking news that Marky Walter, son of Mr. Amrec Walter, CEO of Walter enterprises met with a car accident and your family were involved, you were involved. Is it true????

People got shocked. They started gossiping with each other. Media were clicking photos and looking mischievously towards Mew.

Mew was shocked as well. How media get to know about this.

Mew:- Bullshit, that's not true. We don't know them and we are not involved either. We heard about this accident and our condolences are with them.

Interviewer:- No sir. You were involved. We got the exact news. And we need an answer from you. Why did you do that?? They are your competitor that's why? Or is it related personally??

Mew was speechless. He don't know what to say on this. He is trying to figure out an answer.

Mew:- I guess you didn't did your homework nicely. This news is fake. They are our competitors but we didn't play dirty.

???:- Oh really??? Mr. Mew Suppasit???

Suddenly someone shouted in the crowd. Mew started finding the person who said this and then.....his eyes widened.


Shit this is bad!!!

When did he got discharged from hospital??

Marky:- Shocked right?? I got discharged. I m back Mew Suppasit. Guys....I will tell you the real truth. Mew hit me by car....but I got save. He was jealous that I m going to snatch his boyfriend from him. He tried to kill me......did you guys heard.....

Mr. MEW SUPPASIT TRIED TO KILL ME!! How can he be your role model?? A bloody MURDERER!!!!!!!

Mew's limit of patience was crossing the limit, he was loosing his control again. He got up and pulled Marky from his collar.

" You ungrateful bastard....How dare you saying this????? In front of media? I have warned your father for this. Now I guess I have to leak that video what I decided never to. " Mew said angrily.

" Go ahead mew. Do whatever you want. I will snatch gulf from you or if not me ....then someone else will definitely. You don't deserve him, Mew......YOU DON'T DESERVE HIM!!!!! "

" YOU!!!!!!!! " Mew was about to punch him but then he heard a sound from his behind.

" Mewwwwwwwwwww " Gulf shouted. He was looking in anger plus disappointed.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now