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" Hi baby! Back from work? " Mew said excitedly.

" Hey my son! Finally you came back!! We were waiting for you!!!! " said Mew's mom.

" Mom??? Mew??? Dad??? What a pleasant surprise!!!!!! " Gulf put his bag aside and hugged Mew's mom and dad but he didn't hug Mew.

" Baby.... Why are you not hugging me???? " Mew asked worriedly.

" Because I m very mad at you!!!! "
Gulf said a bit harsh. Mew was damm scared when he heard this. He thought Gulf came to know everything just like his nightmare.

" Why baby.... What I did.... T... Tell me... Don't be angry..... Don't be mad naa... " Mew was at a verge to cry.

" You didn't picked up my calls since morning. I... I missed you Mew. Did you saw your phone??? " Gulf said with a pout. Mew froze.

I was thinking something else. But gulf.... Phew~!!!!

I thought my nightmare is going to be true....

I can take peaceful breaths now.

Mew thought to himself.

" Baby I m so so so sorry!!! I was little disturb today. So that's why didn't saw my phone. Baby forgive me *sobs* please baby..... Don't leave me... I will die..!! " Mew said while shedding tears. Gulf was stunned. Why Mew is crying??

" Mew why are you crying?? I m sorry if I hurt you.... Boo please don't cry na... I m not going anywhere. Shhh shhhh!! " Gulf immediately hugged Mew and Mew hugged back tightly. Gulf was caressing his back to make him calm and Mew just bursted into tears.

Both moms and dad saw that and they were crying and smiling as well. Their love is so pure. They were so proud that Mew and Gulf love each other purely.

" Son, take Mew with you to your room. He needs you right now. " Said mew's mom and they all nodded. Gulf nodded and took Mew with him to the room.

When they went to the room, Mew's mom and dad took a deep sigh and sat on the sofa.

" Mrs. Suppasit, will you tell me what happened with Mew? Why is he crying ?? He is looking so emotionally weak! " Gulf's mom asked.

" Mew had a nightmare. So he was traumatized. That's why we all came here so that Mew can be with Gulf and we can be with you, Mrs. Kanawut. " Both the moms smiled and hugged each other while having tears in their eyes.

" I am so glad that you came here. You can take a rest here don't worry. Mew will be fine, Gulf is there with him. " Mew's mom and dad nodded.

" And now we want Gulf to be with Mew forever! " Said Mew's dad.

" I didn't get it Mr. Suppasit! " Gulf's mom was confused.

" Actually.... Mew want this marriage to be held as soon as possible. He really wants Gulf to get married with him. So to discuss this, we came here! " Said Mew's dad.

Gulf's mom was shocked. It's not like she was sad but how can they will arrange all the things so early....
She went silent and mew's parents were getting worried.

" Mr & Mrs. Suppasit, I don't have a problem with this. I am ok with it. Even Gulf also wants to get married with Mew. But, how can we arrange all this so fast?? I'm alone. I don't have anyone to help except gulf! "

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now