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Mew was driving while gulf was just looking outside the window and giggling like a small kid.

Gulf was very drunk. He was not in a condition to handle himself. No wonder that guy marky can't resist himself because Gulf was looking damm sexy while drunk.

Mew was trying his best to control himself and find a secret , dark and quiet place where he can make out with this wasted drunk boy. Finally, Mew found a quiet and dark place. He stopped his car, turn off the car lights, unbuckle his seatbelt and then Gulf's too.

Mew pulled Gulf roughly. They were just inches apart. Mew can't control himself. He immediately attached his lips to him.

After four years, it was like a heaven to feel those lips again. Mew was feeling like he is back in old times. Mew was kissing and sucking his lower lip, biting a bit.

Gulf was not in a condition to say something or to push, so he kissed him back with same passion. He didn't even know that he was sitting with mew, Mew suppasit.

They were literally making out in the car. Gulf was literally losing himself. He was enjoying this just like four years ago.

Mew put his hand to gulf's neck, push him close to deepened the kiss.
Both were literally lost in their lust world.

Suddenly Gulf felt like shirt was getting unbutton by the person he is kissing back. But not complaining.
Mew suddenly pushed him gently and started breathing heavily. Both were looking soooooo hot at that time. Mew was becoming a beast! But suddenly Gulf heard.....

" Gulf.... Gulf... Wake up..... What are you blabbering while sleeping?? You started sleep talking also???? Wake up Gulf!!!! "
Gulf suddenly woke up and realised that he was having a dream of that make out session.

Due to heavily drunk, Gulf slept in the car whole way and Mew was driving because mew wants Gulf to be safely reached at home.

Where Mild and Milly also reached on their home and they both were also very drunk. Mild didn't realises that he made Gulf alone and gave him permission to go with Mew.

Back to MewGulf, Gulf was so shocked that he really saw such a erotic dream. Gulf was really turned on. Mew stopped his car outside of gulf's house.

" Still sleeping??? Gulf wake up naa~ we reached your home! " Said Mew.

" Mew... I... I want to confess something *hiccup* to you. Please listen! I can't take this anymore. " Pleaded Gulf.

" Yes, say it. I m all ears! "

" Mew.... I... *hiccup* missed you. I missed you so much. Everyday, every minute, every second, I missed you. I regret for everything we *hiccup* have been gone through.

I... I love you Mew *sobs* please... Kiss me... I want to feel you again. I want to feel you *hiccup and giggle* inside me. Come here Mew, kiss me please! " Gulf tried to pulled Mew close but Mew pushed him back

" Gulf nooo , you are drunk right now, and we reached your home. What if your mom will see us? Try to understand Gulf. We...can't! " Mew said unexpectedly. Gulf's heart sank. He felt rejected, the main which he is running from....rejection.

" You... You are right. *hiccup* you will not gonna accept me now. I *sobs* waited for you in these four years.

I *giggle* am such an idiot. Don't deserve anything. No love, no care, *giggle* no sex, no kisses. I don't deserve you also. *hiccup*.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now