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Let's start....


Four years later,

Mew has finally completed his punishment and rehab treatment and finally he came back to his home. Driver picked him up from rehab.

Mew's mom was in happy tears. It's not like she didn't meet mew in these four years. Taking special permission to meet, they have met many times but still. The feeling of son coming back home is different, only a mom can understand.

When Mew entered in the house, She just ran and hugged his son.

" Mewwww.... My son... Finally, welcome home..... Son I missed you so much. " She bursted in tears.
Tears rolling down from Mew's eyes. He hugged his mom back.

" I *sobs* missed you too mom. Missed you so much!!!! " Mew's dad was standing behind them. He was happy. He wants to hug Mew too but he know he can't.

" Son, I m happy you are back. " Mew's dad smiled sullenly. He knows Mew will never gonna hug him and again will be rude with him but.....

" Yes. All credits goes to you DAD. You will not gonna hug your son?? " Mew went to his step dad and hugged him for the first time.

(A/N:- 😲😲😍😍)

His dad was sin complete shock. Mew never hugged him since he get married to his mom, and also never called him as DAD.

" Thank you dad for everything. I mean it. I am standing here because of you both. I m sorry dad for my earlier behaviour.

I know I never show respect to yyou buy in these years I realised I will try to make things better between us. Dad, *sobs* you will forgive your son??? " Mew confessed in tears. His dad for the first time, cried happily. He hugged his son tightly.

" Of course my son. I have always waited for you to accept me as your father. Thank you for accepting me.

Love you my son. I m proud of you. Whatever happened was a past. Let's have a new start, shall we?? " Mew's dad was smiling in tears. Mew nodded and hugged him again tightly.

Mew's mom was always want to see this scenario for the day she decided to remarry so that Mew can have a father's love too. She was thanking God and also Gulf.

Indirectly, because of Gulf this is happening.

Gulf, thank you for this.

I wish you could here to see this.

Mew's mom said to herself and they all shared a group family hug.

They are happy!!!!

But not Mew.

From the day, Mew came back from rehab, he have become a silent boy.
He lost his charm, his smile. He was alone and depressed. He missed Gulf, his baby, his love, his everything.

Mew wants go ran to Gulf and hug him tightly but he know, he can't.
These four years were like like 400 years for him without seeing love of his life.

Mew wants his baby back, but how he will do? He have to win trust back. It will be a long journey for him to win him back.

Gulf, I will try my best to win you back.

I love you baby... I love you so much

I want you, your smile, your warmth.

I regret for my mistake, I m trying to be a better person.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now