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Let's begin!!! 😍😍


Gulf came out of that store room, breathing heavily. His heart was beating like hell. He didn't even think of looking back. He was so confused and nervous right now.

I stopped Mew and I ran out but why I kissed him back? Why I was wanting for more??? Maybe heat of the moment but why it doesn't seems like that aaarrgghh This is so confusing!!!!! Gulf was getting irritated.

He ran to the parking lot, took his bike and left the college in fast speed. All the way he was just thinking about that "store room" moment.

He reached home less than 30 minutes. Gulf didn't realised that he reached home as he was not in his right mind, still managed to reach safely.

Gulf entered in the house quietly. He knew if his mom sees him like this in messy condition, she will be worried.

He tip toed his foot trying to not make any sound. Just he was about to go to his room,

" Son, my baby you are back? " his mother said from his behind. Gulf took a deep breath and turned around and saw his mom was smiling at him.

By looking at her, Gulf can't control his emotions and he ran to his mom and hugged her tightly and break down in tears.Gulf's mom was so worried to see his son like this. He was scared like hell.

" What happened? Why are you crying? Tell me what's wrong? Please son! Did someone bully you? " His mom was also in tears.

Should I tell her about mew and his behaviour towards me? Will she support me on this? No no I don't want to make her worry. I can't tell her about anything. Gulf said inside in his mind.

" Mom.... actually...I...I am not feeling well. So that's why I was looking like a mess right now. Don't worry, I just need some rest. " he lied again but he can't tell. Gulf hugged her mom again, she hugged back.

" My baby boy. You scared me. I thought someone bullied you. It's okay you take some rest. If you are not feeling well, don't go to college tomorrow, take some rest. " Gulf's mom believed him and hugged him caressing his back.

" Yes mom. I will not go to college tomorrow or maybe for few days. I need a break. I....I mean some rest. Thank you mom love you. " said Gulf in relief. His mom always support her. His mom smiled and patted on his shoulder

" Love you too my son. Go and change now. I will get you something to eat later. " Gulf kissed his mom's cheeks and he left to his room to change and get freshen up.

Meanwhile, Mew was in his house, laying on his bed looking at the celling. He was very happy today. He was on cloud 9.

(A/N :- Mew, thank me later! 🤣🤣)

He can't believe that finally he confessed his feelings to gulf. Though he didn't able to hear those three magical words from gulf but he can't control himself.

He was still imagining that kiss.

Mew got blushed when he remember that at a moment, gultf kissed him back.

He wants to feel those lips again. He wants to see him again. He can't wait for tomorrow. He knows that gulf will come to college.

While thinking about his love, sleep takes over him.

Next day, at morning Gulf called mild and told him that he is not going to come to college because he is not feeling well. Mild was worried that mew did something. Mild told him to take care and he will come to meet him at evening.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now