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Readers, this is the part 2 of UNINVITED GUEST, if you didn't read the first part, you will not get what is happening. So if you missed it, first read part 1! Kind request!

So let's begin!!! 😱


" Baby, I missed you so much. " Said Mew very seductively on Gulf's ear. Gulf turned around and saw mew was standing behind him smiling.

" Mew?? When did you came?? How did you get in?? How did my mom allowed you??? " Said Gulf shockingly.

" That doesn't matter. I have my own ways to come to you. What do you think that you will not come to college and I will not follow you?? Oh my naive baby!!! " Mew smirked.

" Why did you came here? What do you want Mew? Why can't you just leave me alone? " Gulf was very furious at that moment.

" Do I still need to answer you for this ?? Huh?? I already confessed to you baby. I love you. I can do anything to get you. " Mew went a bit close to Gulf.

" Do you really think, not coming to college is the solution of this? No baby, it's not. In fact.....You are making me more crazy for you by doing this. " Mew said directly with an eye contact.

" Mew I seriously don't understand you. Please leave. I don't wanna talk about this more. And also.... " Gulf was not able to complete his sentence when Mew grabbed Gulf's arm and pushed him to the bed and hovered him.

Mew forcefully started kissing gulf pinning his hand to the side. Gulf was trying his best to get out of his grip but...it was too strong that Gulf's wrist was getting red.

" Mew....p.... please....stop...stoo...stop this!!!!! I don't want this. " Gulf said between the kisses.

Mew was out of his mind right now. He wasn't listening to Gulf. He just kissing him till they both felt breathless. Mew started kissing Gulf's neck.

" Mhhhmm....oh baby...you are so good. You are like a....mmmmm.... drug to me. I just can't control myself. " Mew said while kissing.

" Ahh...mmm...mew.... please I beg you.....stooooop....ah....stop it mew!!...mmm...get off me!!!!!!! " Pleading Gulf. Gulf was totally losing it. He didn't want this. It was totally wrong.

With some power, Gulf pushed Mew and jumped out of the bed angrily, catching his breathe.

" Mew you can't force me to love you. You can't force me to fall for you. Listen, I....like you but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.

Wait.....I can't heard my mom's voice since you entered. Where is my mom Mew?? " Gulf asked but mew didn't say anything.

In return he just smirked evilly. Gulf understood and he ran to the living room to see his mom.

When he came to the living room, he saw his mom was laying on the couch unconsciously holding a bouquet in her hand.

Gulf ran to his mom and started crying. He was trying to wake her but no avail. Chloroform was working.

" Mom...MOMMMM!!!!.... Wake up please wake up!!!!!! " Gulf was literally in a crying mess trying his best to wake her.

Mew came and saw Gulf's condition. He evilly laughed. But, he can't see his baby like this. He went to gulf and started caressing his back.

" Baby, don't cry naaa...I can't see you like this. She will wake up soon. It's just chloroform. Don't worry. Let's go back to your room and Let's finish what we started my love!!!! Let's make love tonight!! " Mew was trying to pull Gulf to take him back to bedroom.

Gulf had enough of him now. His blood was boiling in anger. Suddenly, Gulf punched hard Mew on his face.

Mew was stunned. Nobody has that dare to even talk to him in a high tone. And gulf punched him. His ego hurts! Mew was looking at him in shock and anger.

" Mew are you crazyyyyyy?????? You bastard!!!!! *another Punch* she is my mom! You....You fainted my mother??????? How dare you.... you!!! " Gulf was about to punch him again but mew stopped him.

" I did this for you. I did this because of you. You are responsible for this. You didn't came to college, I was restless. You didn't even picked my calls. If you call me crazy then yes!! I AM CRAZYYY.....I AM CRAZY FOR YOU!!! " Mew shouted on Gulf.
Gulf bursted on tears . He can't take this anymore. He was feeling so helpless.

" Baby, listen I m sorry. I really am. I know what I did was inappropriate but I can't help it. I want you and to get you, I CAN CROSS ANY LIMIT. " Said Mew in a serious tone.

" Mew, y.....you don't love me. YOU ARE OBSESSED with me. This is not love mew. You are going crazy. What you did today, was not acceptable! " Said Gulf while having tears. Mew started having tears in his eyes.

" If this you want to call, fine. Yes, I AM OBSESSED WITH YOU! and I m not going to stop.

I am giving you two options. Either, accept my love and be mine forever. Or else face the consequences.

And trust me baby, the consequences will be worst than this one *Mew pointing on Gulf's mom*

Tomorrow is Sunday. I m giving you a whole day think about it and choose an option. And tell me at Monday. " By saying this, Mew went to the main door.

" Mew please I beg you. Leave me alone. I don't want to choose any options. Show some mercy on me please! " Gulf was crying and also trying his last time to convince but...

" You don't have any other choice my love. If you don't want your family or closed one to get hurt, then accept my love and come to me. Good night love! " Saying this, Mew left.

Gulf was feeling so helpless right now. He was crying like hell. He went to his kitchen and took some water with him and sprinkled some water droplets on his mom's face.

After few minutes, his mom woke up. Her head was still hurting. She
was still feeling a bit dizzy.

Gulf just help her go to to her room. Helping her to to lay on bed. He kissed on her forehead and went out of his mom's room.

Gulf then breakdown on the floor on his knees. He was not able to process this. He was feeling so helpless.

To save my mom, I have to choose him. But if I choose him , it will a hell to me.

What should I do?

What trouble did I get myself in??
Said Gulf and cried all night, thinking about what just happened. After so much crying, he fell in deep sleep in his couch.


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Stay safe and happy guys😃!! Take care of yourself my peeps😇💕
Keep smiling....

- chubby

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