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So let's begin!!! 😎


Their first day of college went so well. But not for gulf. He was still so nervous while imagining the scene when mew came a bit close to him and he also noticed that in cafeteria, mew was starring at him, like he wants to eat him!

" What the hell happened????? Why my heart is so beating crazily ???what is going on??? " Said Gulf to himself.

" Hey, you look lost. Still thinking about Mew?? Come on gulf , don't get stressed. Maybe he is just teasing you or playing around. " mild was trying to console Gulf .

" I guess you are right . Let's forget what happened. As if I m going to met him again. He is just a classmate. " said Gulf but still he was thinking about mew .

By saying goodbye to mild because he lives in a different direction, Gulf was going back to home, alone on his bike after college but then, Gulf felt like someone is following him.

He thought that it's nothing but then he realised that he has been followed since he left the college. He stopped his bike and turned around to see a black car a bit far was following him .

Gulf was getting a bit tensed so he decided to drive as fast as he can so that he can reach home but also safely. At last, reached to his home safely and he parked his bike in front of his house and he ran to his house.

" Oh so my baby lives here!! Nice cozy house . Finally I got your house baby!! " Said Mew while sitting in his black car in front of Gulf's house. Yes, mew was the one who was following gulf from college till now.

" I really wish to come to your house but I guess I have to wait for that. I will wait for it. One day, you will be mine." Mew thought to himself and smile like a crazy guy. And then, he drove back to his house.

At Gulf's house,

Gulf was feeling breathless. He was so scared because of that stalker. He don't know who was the person and why he was following him. Gulf was lost in his thoughts and suddenly gulf's mom appeared in front of him.

" What happened baby?? Why you are so breathless?? What is happening?? You okay?? Did someone did something to you??? " asked Gulf's mom with so much worrying.

" Nothing mom, I missed you so much throughout the day that's why I came as fast as I can. " Gulf lied to his mom.

" Awww!! my baby. It's okay , I'm here only naa!!! Come on, go and get a shower. You must be hungry. Food is ready!! Let's eat together. " said Gulf's mom.

" Okay mom I will be back. " said Gulf running to his room to get freshed.

" I know baby you are lying to me. You are so bad when it comes to lying. Something is going on . I'm getting worried now. Let's hope you will tell me soon. Or else I have my own ways to get to know. " Said Gulf's mom to herself. She knows gulf was lying. After all she is a MOM!!!

Gulf ran towards his bedroom and locked the door and seated on the side of his bed with head hung and he gripped the blanket. He really don't like to lie to his mom but he knows she will worry that's why he lied.

" Mom , if I tell you about the stalker, you will get worry. Sorry that I lied but I don't want to give you any tension. I will handle this. I m grown up now. " Said Gulf to himself with a sigh and he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After getting freshen up, Gulf went to kitchen to help his mom and then they eat their dinner together. After finishing it, Gulf went to his bedroom and after saying goodnight to his mom and he immediately called mild because mild is the only person he can discussed what happened today.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now