28. FAMILY DINNER (special chap)

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So here is the the part 3 also a special chapter which includes two beautiful songs!! 😍😍💗💗

(Readers, just a reminder.

If you have not read part 1 & 2 , then there will jo be fun for part 3!

If you have skipped, read part 1 and 2!! I have published part 2 recently. Read it too! )

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So.... let's feel together.....THE MAGIC OF LOVE❤!!!


At the garden,

The garden was well decorated. It was so romantic and cozy!! Before Gulf came, Mew arranged everything and his mom helped him.

When they reached at garden, Gulf was so stunned and surprise to see the garden with full of lightings.

" You... You arranged this?? " Gulf was so shocked and happy too.
Mew nodded and offered him to sit... But not on the chair. Mew were sitting on the garden chair and Gulf on his lap very closely, looking at the sky.

(A/N :- SuppaSEAT hehe😄😍)

Mew was caressing his hairs and gulf was smiling and enjoying this moment. Suddenly, Mew break the silence. He started recalling his past with Gulf.

" You know baby, I m remembering the day first I saw you......you were standing there....smiling and laughing looking like an angel!!! " Mew said.

(A/N:- Readers, imagine this song in background!! If you want... Play it while. Reading.... Certain things- James Authur)

Something about you
It's like an addiction
Hit me...with your.....best shot honey

" I became so addicted of you my love! You have that magic...." Gulf was blushing so much.

" I also remember the day I saw you entering the class and like everyone, I was so whipped hehe! But, I was mesmerized by your looks!! " Said Gulf.

" Yeah baby... I saw that expression that day, your eyes were sticked to me just like mine on yours! " Said Mew romantically.

I've got no reason to doubt you
'Cause some things hurt
And you're my only virtue
And I'm virtually yours

" Mew I still remember the day at class, you try to kiss me for the first time... Oh god I was so blushed!! " Gulf said while giggling.

" You still are blushing baby... And that day, I was got your lips but then... Haha students came! I still remember you ran away from class! " Mew laughed and Gulf pouted so he pulled Gulf more close.

And you keep coming back, coming back again
Keep running round, running round, running round my head

" When I went to home, all I was thinking was you. " Gulf said shyly and Mew smiled.

" Me too baby. Oh...Baby, remember the day at empty store room?? When we finally kissed. Our first kiss!! " Mew teased.

" Mewwww~! Stop teasing me! I was so shocked that day!! Never expected that you will came to know my secrets!! " Gulf was blushing so hard.

And there's certain things that I adore
And there's certain things that I ignore
But I'm certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours...

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