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So.... let's start!!!

Warning:- 🔞

Slight smut at the beginning. You can skipped the part and continue reading ahead.

Aaaand, for my hungry peeps ....

*Evil laugh* 😈😈😈😂😂😂


After few weeks,


It was Morning time. Gulf had a sleepover at mew's house. Last night, they had three passionate rounds. But in morning, Mew was still horny.

Mew just can't get enough of his baby. He can't control himself. So, this leads to a morning wake-up sex.
Both were naked in the middle of the bed,

Mew was thrusting hard into Gulf, hitting that pleasure spot every time, while Gulf was on his stomach, still a bit sleepy but moaning loudly.

Mew's room was sound proof so they don't have any worries that anyone will hear it.

" Aaah....mmm... Daddy...last night we did...and still you....Ahh...want more??? Are you a Sex monster or something??? Aaahh!!" Gulf said sarcastically. Mew smirked.

" I....mmm wish I could be. But no I m not. But yeah, when it comes to you, a became a monster. Mmmm...you are still so tight baby...I m gonna... " He started thrusting faster.

Mew turned Gulf's face to kiss him hungrily. He can't get enough of that plumpy , swelled, juicy lips!

" Mew, please cum fast....mmm..we...aahh...have to go to meet.....Dr. Alex...for y....."

" Shhh baby. I will...don't talk too much and just moan for me. Mmm... That's only I want to hear now! " Mew started thrusting faster and harder.

" Aaahhh...mhhhmmm...daddy.... please...harder...more...I m cu...cumming! "

" Mmmm...I m gonna to. Let's do together yeah? Say the magic word fast. NOW! "

" I....I LOVE YOU MEW....I love you...ahhhh...Mewwww~!!!! "

" Mhhhhmm I love you too baby...ahhhhh...babyy~!!! "

By moaning each other names they came in unison. Both were panting heavily. They really love each and every second of this moment.

Mew fell on gulf's back and kissing and biting him on shoulder. Both we're sweating like hell...but as I said....who cares???

Gulf was smiling. He really love every moment they spend.


After this.... passionate morning wake up moment, both get freshed, got ready, ate their breakfast with Mew's parents and then went to go to meet Alex.

Dr. Alex called mew for his regular checkup. Gulf always used to go with him for this checkup as he doesn't want to leave mew alone.

They both reached at city hospital and went to Dr. Alex's cabin.

At doctor's cabin

" Well hello, how's you feeling now?? " Dr. Alex asked calmly.

" Much better than I expected!!! " mew said proudly holding Gulf's hand.Gulf blushed. Mew never leave a chance to make his baby blush. He looks cute while blushing.

Alex smiled and nodded. They all were discussing something when suddenly, gulf's phone rang. It was showing his mom's number.

" Guys excuse me, my mom is calling. I have to take this call. I will be back. " Gulf left the cabin to attend the call.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now