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So.... let's start!!!


Next day Gulf woke up and saw Mew was sleeping besides him peacefully. He was looking like an angel. Gulf was literally looking at mew like he was looking for the last time like this.

" You know it's scary plus romantic that you are starring at me while I m sleeping. " Said mew with eyes closed and smiled. Gulf got shocked. He doesn't know that Mew is awake. He got caught.

Gulf blushed and his ears turned red. Mew opened his eyes and saw his baby blushing face. It really turns him on. Mew pulled Gulf more close and leaned his face to kiss but Gulf leaned back.

" Baby~ morning kiss naaaa~! " Mew whinnied like a kid.

" Mewww~ it's gross. I didn't brush my teeth yet, so not now. " Gulf tried to get up for washroom but Mew grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to bed and hovered him.

" I don't care about that baby!!! I always get what I want! " Gulf got upset from the last sentence which Mew just said. Mew tried again to kiss him but Gulf pushed him and ran to the bathroom. Mew was confused.

Why is he behaving like this????

Did I something wrong??

I guess Gulf is not a morning person that's why having mood swing. No issues,

I will get my kiss later....

Inside the bathroom, Gulf was covering his mouth and bursted in tears. Gulf cried whole night.
Last night, Gulf heard whole conversation between mew and that person.

Why mew whyyyyyyy?????

I trusted you and you broke me and my trust AGAIN!!!!

You...you killed Dr.alex ?????

You are a complete psycho mew!!!

Now, I am getting scared of you and your love.

I have to do something now. Things are getting worst.

After finishing his morning chords and making himself calm, Gulf came out and Mew with a wink and smile went in.

When Mew came, he saw gulf was sitting at the bed, with very upset expression.

" Hey hey....what happened baby??? Why you look so upset??? " Mew sat close to Gulf and ask him.
Gulf smiled sullenly and shook his head.

" Mew, I am not feeling well. Let's go back. please can we??? " Mew look at him suspiciously but he nodded.

Mew thought that Gulf maybe still upset because Mew did this to him so he agreed and then left the resort and way go back to Gulf's house.

All the way, Gulf was silent. He didn't even said anything to him, not even hold hands. Mew was getting scared. He was not getting a good vibe.

" Gulf...baby ...I know something happened.. please share it with me. Let's talk naaa~! " Mew tried his best to talk but gulf just say that he was not feeling well that's why.
Mew understood and kept quiet the whole way. He wants gulf to say by his own.

After few hours, they reached at Gulf's house. While entering, suddenly Gulf grabbed Mew's hand.

" Mew, I need to make an urgent call to a classmate. I will be back soon. You go ahead and I will join you in few minutes! " Mew raised one eyebrow and look at him suspiciously. He knows that there is something.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now