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Finallyyyy... weekend vibes!!!

Gulf was very happy and feeling joyful. Time to chill!!!!!!!!! He immediately took a shower and went to the mirror to fix his hairs.

Going to the closet, he picked out some cool outfits. Mild, Milly and him again planned a weekend party! Gulf wore the outfit, and wore his cool shoes! He was all set for this weekend blast!!

Suddenly his phone rang. Walking towards the dressing table, he grabbed his phone and answered.

" Hey gulf, you are ready?? Come fast. We came to pick you! " Said Mild excitedly.

" Okay I m coming in 5 minutes! "
Gulf hung up the call, took his wallet and immediately went to the main door. While going, he saw his mother sat up on the couch to eye him.

" Where are you going son? "

" Mom I told you, I am going with mild and Milly to a party. I guess you forget. You are getting old now hehehe!! " Said Gulf teasingly.

" Oh please....Your mom is still so young that people fall for me and I can win Miss Universe. " Gulf rolled his eyes playfully and they both giggled.

" Have fun son. But yeah come soon but don't be too drunk. And if you are staying at Mild's house, at least inform me....okay?? " Said Gulf's mom.

" Okay mom bye love you!! " Gulf immediately went out of the house and saw Mild's car waiting for him. He immediately opened the door and they went to the bar.

All the way, in that car, they were laughing, talking about their works, teasing each other. They really having fun. After some time, They finally reached to the bar. It was a lavish place. Very expensive but also worth.

But they decided to go there because it was newly opened and have enough money which they earned, that they can spend on themselves. They were so shocked when they saw the bar club from inside. It was dammmm awesomeeeeeeeee!!!!

DJ, bar areas, drinks, hot chicks, alcohol, food(main focus for mild)!!
This place was amazing!!!!! They took their seats and ordered some drinks and snacks. The DJ was playing cool songs!!!

People are dancing, drinking, some were kissing or making out on the couches. It's very common in those bars.

Milly was getting a bit uncomfortable but mild hold his hand and make her sure that she is safe here. Whenever Gulf saw Mild and Milly lovey dovey moments, he feels alone. He reminds the days he spent with mew.

No no no Gulf!!

Forget him.

He is nothing to you now!

You... Don't deserve Mew.

Just don't think about him and enjoy this moment.

Gulf said to himself.

Mild and Milly were sitting really close, feeding each other. Whereas Gulf was getting a bit bored by seeing their lovey dovey, it was normal for him now.

Suddenly, Gulf heard some familiar voice and laughter.

He turns his head here and there and then he froze at what he just saw......




OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now