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So let's begin!!! 🤘🏻


Gulf and mild reached at the parking lot of the college. College... finallyyyy!!!!! Gulf and Mild was soooo excited for their first day.

(A/N:- They both are in same college, same department, same class. Mew, lhong as well)

" I m so excited, finally the day has come. I will make new friends. I wish I will get a girlfriend too!! " Said mild excitedly.

" You came to college for what??? Making girlfriends??? Idiot! " Said gulf while laughing a bit.

" Oh please... You are a bookworm, not me!!. So, my concentration level will be different! " Said mild with a proud smile in his face as if he will going to get girlfriend within first day!

" Wwwoooww....what a concentration level.... Idiot, focus on studies too! " Said gulf while hitting him on his head.

" Aauuhh.. Gulf.. It hurts naaa~ " Said mild while caressing his head.

" You deserve it! Now come on let's go!! " Said Gulf and they started walking to enter in the main premises.

After that , Mew's car came to the parking lot and he parked. Suddenly when he step out from the car, he felt like someone is standing behind him. He turned around and saw his best friend lhong!

" Good morning! Late comer! " Said lhong while teasing .

" Oh please! I m on time, if you came early not my fault!! " Said Mew while shrugging.

" Whatever... Let's go now! I'm so excited.. Aren't you? " Said lhong with so much excitement.

" There is nothing to be excited about this... But yeah let's go! " Said Mew and they started walking to the main premises.

" You are not in a good mood today. Again, with your dad?? " Lhong asked him with worry! (Lhong knows that Mew hated his step dad)

" Don't you dare mentioned him as my dad!!! And yeah...again he succeed to ruin my mood! " Said Mew with a deep sigh.

" Don't worry buddy, chill! Let's enjoy our official college life!!!!!!! " Said lhong trying to cheer up his mood.

" Yeah yeah right!!! " Mew literally had a bad morning today and lhong was busy talking with someone on phone but then....

Suddenly, Mew saw a guy standing a bit far, not that far but able to see. That guy was tall, adorable, cute, tanned chocolatey skin, angelic looks, smiling and laughing with his some friend .

(A/N:- guess who?????)

Mew was so shocked at that moment. He felt like nobody is there around him and that guy. Everyone becomes air at that moment.

Mew was admiring his every look. Gulf's eyes, beautiful face, plump juicy lips. Mew can't believe that a guy can make him go crazy like this at just first sight. Mew really want those lips on his. He wants to taste it, bite it, suck it!!!. He was going crazy!!!!!

Mew just had love at first sight! Or maybe it's just a lust or curiousness. He was confused but...

He. Was. Whipped!

Mew is just looking at gulf having a smile on his face just like a kid smiling on a toy at a kids toys store. He was lost in gulf's charm.

" Mew... Mew.. Mew... Why are you so lost I m talking to you. Let's go to the class. It's on 3rd floor... Mewwww.. Im talking to you!! " said lhong angryly while Mew was lost in thoughts!

Coming back to real world,

" Huh? .. Y.. yeah why are we standing here?? Let's go. Wasted so much time! " Said Mew to hide his expression.

" What is wrong with him?? " Asked lhong to himself but shrugged. While going to the class... Mew asked himself.....

" Why am I so attracted to that guy? I just saw him for the first time but why I want him so bad....Why I want his lips to be in mine???? Whyyy......

WHO IS HE???? " Said Mew to himself.


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Stay safe and happy guys😃!! Take care of yourself my peeps😇💕
Keep smiling....

- chubby

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