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So let's begin!!! 😎


Gulf and Mild was panicking. Gulf was so mad at mild for his irresponsible behaviour.

" You are seriously unbelievable mild!!! Now the punishment is you have to help me to find those papers. Otherwise YOU ARE DEAD!!!! " Said Gulf in a harsh tone fuming in anger.

" Dude calm down. I m really sorry. I know it's my fault but.... " Then suddenly mild started thinking about Milly.

He was smiling, imagining the beautiful moment he had recently experienced.

" Why the hell are you smiling? Are you happy that I have lost Mew's portraits? What if someone will see those portraits? What if HE will see??? You Idiot help me to find them, NOW!!!!!!!!!! " Said Gulf angrily.

" Oooooiiiiiii Gulf calm down!!! Stop bursting on me naa.... Let's find it. I m sure it will be here only. " Mild and Gulf started to find those papers in the ground premises.

Other students were watching and laughing on them because they both look so restless as if they lost their diamond.

" Did you find it?? " Gulf asked and mild shook his head.

Oh no! Please God I want those sketches back. I don't want anyone to see that, especially Mew. If he will came to know about this.....I m so dead Gulf mumbled while searching it here and there.

While mild was scared that if he will not help to find the papers then Gulf will surely kill him. He don't wants to die so he was also searching everywhere with Gulf.

10 mins....15 mins.... 25mins.... 30mins.....they were still so busy searching it everywhere but..no avail.

Meanwhile, lhong and Mew has completed their discussion with the professor and they were going back home while discussing the project.

" What happened lhong?? Missing him again?? Ohh lover boy! " Asked Mew in a teasing way. Lhong got blushed.

Before college starts, lhong got in a relationship with a guy named Turbo. They both fell in love. But, due to turbo's dad transfer in London, he had to leave it all. They promised each other that they will always be in touch through video calls and phone calls. They decided to have long distance relationship.

" Yeah Mew. I miss him. I love him so much. Long distance relationship sucks dude! I really want him to come. " Lhong was sad. He was missing turbo.

" Hey dude, chill. He promised you. He will come back. " Mew try to console his best friend.

" *sigh* I wish too!!! " Lhong sighed. And they started discussing their past stories. Suddenly, Mew's phone rang.

" Lhong...listen, can you wait here??? I have to take this call. It's urgent. Don't worry we will go together. Just wait here, I will be back! " by saying this, Mew left.

Lhong was waiting for Mew to come while looking at his phone.

(A/N:- uwuuuu🥺🥺😍😍♥♥)

Lhong really missing his love. Then,
suddenly he saw Gulf and mild was restlessly searching for something.

He thought maybe something important they lost. He wants to help but then gulf and mild disappeared so he shrugged.

Then suddenly, lhong saw some papers on the ground. He thought someone thrown this wasted paper but then he saw something similar on those papers.

He grabbed those papers from ground and then he got shocked. In those papers, there were some beautiful sketches and he got more shocked when he saw that someone has drew Mew's portraits.

" Wow this is so beautiful sketches of Mew. But the question is that WHO DREW THIS?? " suddenly he saw the signature at every end of sketches...

" OMG!!! REALLY...... " After few minutes Mew came back and saw lhong was looking at some papers with focus.

" What are you looking at with such focus?? " Mew asked curiously.

" See by yourself! " Lhong gave those sketches to mew and guess what...

Mew ...was... in ...complete... shock!
Mew saw that someone has drew his sketches and also so beautifully.

He was very impressed by this. He was very curious to know that who drew this, he wants to thank him or her.

Then he saw a signature at the end of every sketches.

" Whaaaaaat??? Gulf??? My gulf??? My baby has drew this?? Ahaan...interesting! He is really so good at this. But why didn't he told me about this?? " Mew said in happiness and a little anger. He was wondering why gulf didn't told him about those sketches?

" I need to ask him about this. I want him now!! But maybe he already left. " Mew said to lhong.

" No no....He is still in college mew. He and his friend was searching something. Maybe he was searching for this. " Lhong told this to Mew and mew was soooo happy! He was smiling like a crazy man.

" Where is he now?? " Mew was furious now!

" I guess he went to that big tree. Go and search him. But yeah, be easy on him dude! " Lhong smirked. He loves to tease his buddy. Mew rolled his eyes and said

" Thanks and lhong don't tell anyone about this. Can you take a cab today please??? We will go together tomorrow. If you don't mind. " Mew really wants Gulf right now. He wants to confront him.

" Sure I will not. Don't worry. Just go and find him. " Lhong said goodbye and he left.Mew with a evil smirk on his face

Baby... I want you so bad right now. These sketches had made me fall for you even more than I already am. Why didn't you told me about this earlier?? *sigh*

No problem baby. I will ask you directly IN MY WAY!

If you are trying to keep this as a secret from me, then guess what....

Said Mew to himself with an evil smirk and left to find Gulf to confront about this!!


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Stay safe and happy guys😃!! Take care of yourself my peeps😇💕
Keep smiling....

- chubby

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