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After leaving Gulf's house, Mew went straight to his house. After reaching at home, he saw his mom and dad are not at home.

It always happen with him. He feels lonely. His parents never gave him that attention, since childhood. He lost his dad. He lost himself.

Mew has a personal bar in his big house, he changed his clothes and directly went to his bar and started drinking alcohol. He wants to drunk himself to lessen the pain.

He was regretting for what he just did to Gulf and his mother.

I m so sorry baby. I never mean to hurt you or your mother. But, I was literally out of my control. Please forgive me and be mine naa~

That's the only thing I want. I want to be loved. I want to feel love, to be cared by someone. I hope by Monday, you will accept me.

Mew drank so much. That he wasn't able to walk. He fell on the floor

Mew wants someone to talk. He immediately called lhong, his best friend and told him to come to his house. Mew was sobbing while talking on the phone so lhong got scared and he immediately reached.

When lhong came, all he can see is a broken Mew. Mew was so messed up. Lonely, drunk, depressed. Lhong can't see his best friend like this.

He was BROKEN.

When Mew saw lhong, he ran to him and hugged him and bursted into tears. They both felt in knees while hugging because Mew can't feel his legs, he was that much drunk.

Mew told him about everything what he did today. Lhong was shocked. He never expected that Mew can go to this limit.

But doesn't said anything to him because Mew was not in a condition to get scold, at least not now. Lhong knows that Mew has doesn't ate his dinner. So he immediately went to kitchen, told the chef to make quick dish and then he went to Mew.

Mew was not in a condition to eat so, lhong feed him. He is his best friend and he can't see him like this.

Mew after finishing food, started crying again on lhong's shoulder. Lhong can understand this, he came to know that Gulf has not accepted him. Mew wants someone, he is lonely. Lhong was there with Mew all night.

Because he don't want to leave his bestie in this state. Lhong cried too.
Crying, regretting of his actions. He was alone. Nobody with him.

Next morning, Gulf woke up with a heavy head. He was having a flashback about the incident happened last night. He was feeling BROKEN as well.

/* Flashback of last night */

" I am giving you two options. Either, accept my love and be mine forever. Or else face the consequences. " Said Mew.

/* flashback ends */

Gulf sighed. He has only one day to decide. Suddenly his mom came to the living room.

" Son, did something happened last night? I don't remember anything. What I remember is your classmate came to meet you and then I don't remember. " Gulf's mom was caressing her head due to pain.

" N..... Nothing h.... Happened mom. He came to give me some notes. Then he left. You were tired so you slept early. " Gulf lied.

" Oh my! Was I that much tired? I don't even remember anything. I guess I m getting old now. Hehe! " She was giggling.

Seeing her like this, Gulf felt pain in his heart. His mom don't even know what happened last night. Gulf decided he will keep this as a secret.

" Mom, since you are not feeling well so I will cook the breakfast and lunch. You go and rest. Today is Sunday, so just rest. " Said Gulf with a fake smile and he went to kitchen.

Gulf's mom was feeling so blessed to have a son like him, so caring.
After taking shower and changing clothes, finish his cooking, he was laying on his sofa, thinking about the OPTIONS, which mew had given.

What should I do now?

SHOULD I choose him?

SHOULD I accept his love?

SHOULD I surrender myself so easily?

I know that, my life will became hell if I will choose him, but it will be more if I won't!

He loves me....no he is obsessed with me. Will I be able to love him back?

I don't want mew to lost his mind again and do something horrible to my mom or anyone.

SHOULD I?? I guess I have t......

Gulf was in deep thought when his phone rang. It was mild. He picked up.

Mild:- Hey buddy. How's you?? Are you going to join college from tomorrow?? I missed you man!

Gulf:- Hmm...missed you too.

Mild:- I want to share something with you!!

Gulf:- what??

Mild:- I ...... got a girlfriend. Actually, not fully, but I m gonna propose her. Yaaaaaaaay. Her name is Milly!

Gulf:- That's great. Finally, you got your love. Now, you will stop trying your luck here and there. Happy for you.

Mild:- You sound tensed. Is everything ok??

Gulf:- Yes mild. I m fine. Anyways, what happened?? why did you called me? Only to tell about your new love life??!

Mild :- Oh yeah!!! I have something more important to tell you something important.

Gulf:- what is it????

Mild:- I found out about the stalker.

Gulf:- Whaaaaaat??? Who is he?

Mild:- It was MEW. I met him yesterday at class. I asked him about it and he says yes.

(A/N:- this happened in " Uninvited guest part 1" Just a reminder!)

Gulf:- ..........

Mild:- Gulf....hello?? Gulf ....you there....hello....hello???? Hello Gulf???

Gulf's phone fell from his hand. He was shocked like hell!!!!

Mew.....Mew was the stalker???? Shit!!!!

Gulf was trembling...... Mew was the one who always follow him from college.

I don't know... I can't accept this devil. But for my mom's sake I have to. I don't want anything happen to her. She is my only family.

But Mew is crazy!!!!!! If I will say yes to him, I don't know what will happen ahead???

Gulf was doubting on his decision. He was almost ready to accept Mew but now he got this information.


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Keep smiling....

- chubby

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now