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In Fiat's house,

" Hello Fiat!! Come in. Make yourself comfortable...after all, we have a loooooong day to talk! " said mew evilly.

" You???? How did you enter in my house?? GET OUT RIGHT NOW! " Fiat shouted at Mew.

" Ohhhffff.... Calm down kid. It's not like I came here.... to kill you haha! I just came here to... Warn you! "

" What do you mean... Ohh... So it's about Gulf?! " Said Fiat

" Yes it is. I am warning you Fiat. STAY AWAY FROM GULF. He is not yours, but mine. He is my fiance. I don't want you to be near him, not even an inch. He is mine. " Said Mew in a dark tone. Fiat gulped but he didn't want to this war lose easily.

" I... I'm not going to stay away from him. I.... I want him. I love Gulf and I want him badly. I think, you should go away from his life. He deserves me not you. " Fiat stated.

" This will be the last time you will say that you love him and by the way......who you think you are huh?? Godfather?? Billionaire?? CEO of some company?? You are nothing but piece of shit... " Said Mew angrily.

" Mind you language Mew Suppasit. Don't forget, you are standing in my house. And in case of gulf, I will try daily to make him fall for me and hate for you... " The moment Mew heard this, he punched Fiat so hard that he fell on the ground. Fiat got up and saw his lips were bleeding from a side because of that punch. He wipe the blood and look at Mew with a glare.

" You think you can snatch Gulf away from me huh??? Dream on kid. You don't know what kind of devil I'm.

You are lucky that you didn't met me four years before otherwise, you were not alive right now!!!! " Said Mew coldly.

" Yes I can snatch him from...you. I have heard many things about you. You are a psycho lover!!!!

You don't love Gulf, you are just obsessed of him....Gulf is so pure, he don't deserve this. He deserves me......not you! " Fiat said.

" Yes.....you are right.....I m obsessed with him. I m totally obsessed with him. Now let me show you what this obsessive lover can do....." Mew pulled fiat and pushed him to a chair and took a rope and tied his hands and legs tightly.

" Nooo.....leave me Mew!!!! How dare you??? No no don't tie me with this you psycho!!!! " Fiat trembled and try to save himself. Mew took a cloth and put it in fiat's mouth so that he can't make any sound.

" Shhh~! Don't make noise..... otherwise you will regret!!! " Said Mew in dark voice. Fiat was getting scared now. Mew was looking so dangerous.

" Hmmm...now what should I do with you...yeah...I have an idea... "

Mew immediately went to his bag and took out a sharp knife. And then he went to fiat, took out that cloth from his mouth with a warning not to shout and then, Mew took a chair and sit in front of him. Fiat gulped.

" So, let's play a game. I will give you some orders and you have to obey it. If you did, you are safe, if not then......you will see it in that moment. Shall we begin??? "
Fiat eyes widened, he said nothing.

" First, you are not going to come near around Gulf!! " Mew ordered in a dark voice.

" Who you think you are? Should I listen you, No...I will be around him always. He is mine. He is.... "
His sentence hung when Mew took that knife and roughly held Fiat's right hand. He stopped his action and look at Fiat dangerously as if he is going to cut his wrist with that knife.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now