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/ Flashback turn to that day when Mew and Gulf met at that bar and Gulf told the DRUNKEN CONFESSION of gulf to his parent/

" Yes honey, I saw. Please don't go oppose to him. He finally accepted you as father. I don't want him to hate you again. Please honey *sobs* " Mew's mom was sobbing.
Mew's dad hugged her and gave a kiss to her forehead and they both went to the bedroom. But before going bedroom, she called someone secretly.....

??? :- yes mam??

Mew's mom:- I have a work for you and you will get enough money for that. I want you to do it today only.

??? :- okay mam... Tell me....

Mew's mom:- so you have to do is.............

After few hours.....

??? :- Yes mam!

Mew's mom:- What I told you to do, is done??

??? :- Yes mam done! No one will doubt on you and also not in Mew sir. Didn't died but in critical condition.

Mew's mom:- Good job. You will get your money soon! Show it as an accident.

She ended the call

No one can destroy my son and Gulf. I m protecting them because my son loves him and I support them.

I don't want anyone to even touch them. Especially Gulf!

Before Mew will do anything worst, I did what I think is right!

No one can hurt my sons..... NO ONE!

When Mew heard that marky is in critical condition, he smirked.

" Mom you know this is the guy which try to molest Gulf that night, I beated him till death. I wish to kill him but..... I don't want Gulf to think any bad thought for me that's why! "
Mew's mom nodded and smiled.

" Yes son! He got what karma had decided for him. Please I beg you don't kill him like you killed Alex! "

" I will not!! I m changed now! "
She nodded again.

" Wait.... Did you.... Mom.. Are you?? Are you behind this?? " Mew asked shockingly. Mew's mom said nothing just smirked at him. Mew smiled and hugged her.

" Thank you for doing this mom. I know you did this for us. Maybe if I try to do, he would die. Better you handled it. Love you! " Said Mew with an evil smirk.

/ Flashback ends /

The day Mew proposed and Gulf said yes! Their love life came back.
They were literally living like lovers again. Though they both were busy with their work, still they were easily handling their love life.

MewGulf again started going in romantic dates, sleepovers, sometimes on shopping together, not the least making love like whenever they get chance.

Mew and Gulf were finally together, living like a couple. They are fiance. They were having a good time each other. They were LIVING IN BLISS.

They finally decided to tell lhong and mild about their engagement.
They decided to take them to a bar at weekend and then they will reveal it there.

Firstly Gulf asked Mild about the weekend plan and told Milly to take with him. He also told that mew and lhong will also be there.

Firstly Mild got suspicious that why mew is coming. Gulf told mild earlier that Mew is back.
After Gulf insisted so much, mild agreed to come at weekend.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now