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So let's begin!!!!!!!!!


After a week,

In the college premises, there was a big and beautiful tree and under the tree, there was a big space where students can sit either to study or just with friends, to hangout. It actually a very quieter place in the college.

Gulf was sitting under the tree and he was drawing something since the professor said that the other lectures were off , students can go home.

Gulf doesn't want to go home so early so he decided to complete his sketch which was left.

At the same time mild was in the cafeteria, trying his luck to get a girlfriend but no avail.

Mew and lhong were busy with a professor regarding some project so mew doesn't know where gulf was. He thought maybe gulf left as maximum students already left the college to go somewhere with friends.

Coming back to Gulf, he was completing his sketch then suddenly he reminds himself that he has to meet Professor Ella for the assignment submission.

He immediately called mild because he was having his sketch tools which he cannot carry in the faculty room. Mild received the call.

Mild:- What???

Gulf :- Stop trying your luck again and again and come here I need your help.

Mild :- Oh please!! I m not going to stop until I get one. Anyways what kind of help you want?

Gulf :- You have my bag right?? I told you to keep with yourself since I m in ground premises .

Mild:- Shiaaaaa. Your bag is still in the classroom.

Gulf:- You idiot!!!!!You are good for nothing. I will pray to God that you should die alone.

Mild:- Ae ae...don't curse me that...I m sorry naaaaa. I completely forgot about it. Anyways what should I do with your bag?

Gulf :- Take my bag from class and come here in ground tree then I will tell you.

Mild :- Okay got it. I will be there!!! he hangs up the call.

" This guy is seriously good for nothing. " Said Gulf with a sign waiting for mild to come with his bag.

After few minutes, mild came breathlessly because of running and asked " Here is your bag. Now tell what help you want??? "

" I have to meet professor Ella to submit my assignment before she leave for home. So , I m handling you my sketches and all the tools. Arrange them and put it back in my bag properly. And then wait for me in front of faculty room. After that we will go together. So, Can you do this??? This sketches are very important for me. " Gulf explained while handling his book, papers I. e. Sketches and tools to mild.

" Oh of course I can. I m not a kid. You go and meet her. I will take care of your stuff. Trust me naaa!!! " Mild showed a trustful expression to Gulf.

" Okay good. I will be back. Take care of my sketches. " by saying this Gulf ran to the faculty room.
Mild was arranging the papers and then saw so many Mew's portrait.

Gulf, I don't know why you draw his portrait. I really don't understand you. One side you don't like him other side you draw his sketches. You are so difficult to understand. Mild was in confusion.

He was trying but he was not able to arrange those papers properly so he decided that he will put all the tools in bag but he will carry the sketches in his hands .

When Gulf will get free, he will ask him directly. He went to faculty room carrying two bags (his bag and Gulf's bag) and those papers in one hand and using his phone with another hand.

While he was going to the faculty room with so much burden, he get bump to someone on the way. Because of that, all the papers fell on the ground .

" Shiaaaaa!!....Are you blind???Can't you......." His sentence hung when he saw to whom he got bumped. Mild felt like time stopped and his heart was started beating fast.

(A/N:- new character....meet...Milly!!)

" Oh I m so so sorry. I was not focusing. It's totally my fault . Wait let me help you. " a girl looking apologetically to mild.

" I... it's..o.oo...okay! I..am.ss...sssorryy too! " Mild was stuttering. This feeling was really something else.

Mild and that girl was trying to catch the papers . Some papers were easy to grab but some papers flew away due to wind.

Suddenly on one paper, unexpectedly both put their hand at the same time and their hand touched. Time stopped. They share an eyelock. That girl was blushing, so was mild.

" Ahem..*coughs* Here! I m sorry again for my mistake. By the way , my name is Milly. Will...you be my friend? " Asked Milly directly looking at Mild's eyes.

" Y..ye....yeah yeah sure why not. M...my..*coughs* My name is Mild. It was nice to meet you and thank you for the help!! " Mild was literally blushing.

" Nice to meet you too mild . See ya bye! " Said Milly by handling him the papers. She smiled and she left.

Mild was mesmerized by her beauty. Her beautiful face, long hairs, amazing figure, she looks like an angel.

Few minutes later, he realised that gulf told him to wait in front of faculty room. He ran to the faculty room as fast as he was completely unaware that he hadn't picked all the papers which gulf told him to take care of.

Gulf submitted his assignment to prof. Ella and he was waiting for mild and suddenly mild shown.

" Where were you?? I told you to wait here! " Said Gulf angrily.

" Umm... actually..I...I mean...forget it. Nothing important. Let's go here take you bag and yeah I was not able to arrange these papers properly so I just held them in my hand. " Mild explaining himself while handling those important sketches to gulf.

" Fine let me see that all the papers are safe or not , or else Mild the donkey ate them. " Said Gulf sarcastically and mild rolled his eyes.

Suddenly while analysing those sketches, gulf eyes widened and saw that...SOME SKETCHES WERE MISSING.

" Mildddddddd!!!!!!!!!!! Ai'sat!! " Gulf shouted so loud at mild and he replied

" What happened gulf??? "

" You idiot, some sketches I mean papers are MISSING!!! " Gulf was literally so angry at that time.

Shiaaaaaaaa...Oops I guess maybe it happened when I bumped to Milly! Mild mumbled.

" Gulf , I m so sorry. When i was coming to you, I got bumped to someone and maybe at that time I lost some of your sketches. I m so sorry it was MY MISTAKE. But what's a big deal ??? You can draw it again naaaaa. " Mild explained and then he got shocked as hell when Gulf said

" Asshole, those papers which you lost was my secret....that was MEW'S PORTRAITS !!!!!!!!!! " Said Gulf. Mild's eyes wide in shock.


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Keep smiling....

- chubby

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