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So let's begin!!! 🤩


Finally with the help of some professors, gulf and mild was able to find their classes and when they entered, they can see many students are talking with each other, trying to be friends , making groups, making new buddies.

For Gulf, the class environment was very good but for mild, only he can see is that there are so many beautiful chicks!. So mild was so happy that he can finally get a girl to whom he can make his girlfriend.

Gulf and mild found two empty seats backside so they went to take those seats before anyone else. They both started interacting with other students so that they can make new friends. Gulf started becoming very popular because other classmates or I can say his new friends came to know that gulf is a professional sketch artist.

They were keep asking gulf to make their portrait , and gulf can't deny them. He promised them that he will draw portraits of them. Just at the moment gulf and mild was busy with their new friends suddenly someone entered in class and the whole class became..shocked.

Girls started screaming and glaring at the guy who just entered in the class like a model. Of course no doubt , that guy was MEW. He was looking soooo good and handsome that girls can't control themselves and started approaching him to take a seat besides them. For mew, this reaction was normal, he is used to it.

He just gave a million dollar smile to girls and girls go crazyyy.... but Mew took a seat on different side and left one seat for lhong. Lhong came and seated with mew while busy playing games in his phone. Suddenly Mew turned around and saw a guy was starring at him since he entered . That guy was gulf.

Yes the moment mew entered the class , gulf was starring at him too continuously in an adorable way.

He was mesmerized by Mew's good looks... His eyes , sharp jawline , attractive physique , fair skin . Gulf was mesmerized by his good looks, but he was just admiring nothing else.


Mew felt so happy that the guy he saw in the premises, the guy who made him fallen in love at first sight is his ...CLASSMATE.

For few seconds, their eyes met and they share a beautiful eyelock but gulf realised that mew was starring back with a smile, he got blushed , his ears turned red in embarrassment and he looked to somewhere else.

" He got blushed.... How cute! " Mew thought to himself.

After that Prof. Morez entered the class and greeted all the students, and students greeted him back and professor started his lecture.

In the whole lecture, mew was thinking about gulf and gulf was still feeling blushed because of that eyelock.

After some lectures, one of the professor told them that they can go for their lunch break.

" Argh!! I m so hungry right now, let's go to cafeteria. I heard that cafeteria is awesome and there are many yummy dishes we can try!! " said mild excitedly.

" Yeah Im hungry too, let's go!! " said Gulf giving agreement with mild. Their new friends already went to cafeteria and gulf and mild was following them and walking to the way of cafeteria while busy talking about the new lecturers.

Gulf was so busy in talk that he didn't realised that he got bumped to someone...

" Shit I m so sorry , it's my fault...I...." apologize Gulf but then the next moment he was shocked when he look at the person he bumped to.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now