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Mew was freaking out. He really wants to see gulf. He want to talk to him about this. Enough is enough now. Suddenly, he saw Gulf and mild was searching for something.

They were looking so restless and scared. Mew understood what they were looking for.

Mew went to Gulf. Gulf and mild were searching those sketches like mad puppies but then they stopped when they heard a dark husky and scary sound behind them saying

" Are you looking for this???? " Gulf gulped hard. He realised whose voice is this. Both turned around and they were totally shocked.

Mew was standing there with the sketches in his hand looking so mischievously .

" Looking for this?? " Mew asked again. Gulf and Mild didn't know what to say. His secret got revealed to a person which he never wants to be.

" N.....no. These are not mine. Maybe you misunderstood. " Gulf lied, trying his best to hide but no avail.

" What do you think I m stupid??? You can't fool me Gulf. There is your fucking signature at every sketch. Now, don't tell me this sign is not yours. " Said Mew in very anger tone.

Gulf was never seen mew in so much anger. His legs was getting weak. He was shivering a bit.

" I....I...y...yes...
these...a....are...mine. " Gulf controlling his emotions and tried his best to speak but could not speak.

" Cut the crap. Main thing is, why didn't you told me about this???? Why did you hide this from me?? Do you even know how special is this for me?? " Mew said in a bit calm tone.

Gulf gulped again. He don't know what to say in his defence. He was speechless.

" You know what. We need to talk about this but not here. " Mew continued by looking at mild

" Mild, can you go home today by yourself?? Me and Gulf needs to talk, ALONE. So please understand and leave. " Mild was shocked what he just heard. He doesn't want to leave Gulf with this devil.

" I don't want to leave Gulf. I will stay here. You both go. " Mild was not ready to leave alone with Mew because it can be dangerous according to him.

" I don't like to repeat myself mild. " Said Mew in a very dark voice. Mild was about to say something at when Gulf interfered

" Mild , go home. We will talk later. Don't worry about me. It's okay. Thank you for the help. I will see you tomorrow. " Mild doesn't believed in his ears.

Did Gulf just told me to leave?? He thought but then he realised that he should leave because they want to talk privately.

" Okay, Just because you are saying. I m going back home. Call me when you will get free. Bye take care! " said mild and Gulf nodded. Mild held his bag and at look at last time to them .

Mew secretly smirked at him and gulf was looking at him apologetically. Mild left with a sad face that today he can't help Gulf.
He was praying that mew should not hurt Gulf.

" Now enough of your friendship friendship. We need to talk , but not here." by saying this Mew grabbed Gulf's hand and gripped very tightly and pulled him along to the premises.

Suddenly, Mew saw an empty store room. Nobody goes there. So, he pulled Gulf along to that store room and pushing Gulf inside, he locked the door with an evil smile on his face.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now