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So.... Let the Bachelorette party begin???? 🤩🥳


Next day, Gulf woke up early and helped his mom for all the wedding arrangements. Whereas, Mew was still in resort. He got late so he stayed there.

Mew's parents were doing the invitation work. All were so busy plus very excited...only 2 days left for wedding now.

When Gulf got free he called his soon to be hubby.....

Gulf:- Good morning booo~! You still at resort??

Mew:- Good morning my love! Yes I am.

Gulf:- *blushes* .....

Mew:- Blushing right??

Gulf:- * eyes widen* umm.....stop teasing naaa....well done with everything??

Mew:- Yes baby. Well, did he called you again today??

Gulf:- Who???

Mew:- That bastard!!

Gulf:- No he didn't Mew. Let's forget naa. Let's concentrate on us!!

Mew:- That was my line!!!

Gulf:- Hahah I know. I stole it.

Mew:- Just like you stole my heart....

Gulf:- *blushed again* ........

Mew:- I wish...I would be there to see your blush face so that I would push you to the wall and start kissing your juicy lips so hard and then sucking your beautiful neck, Mmmmm....then ripping off your shirt to bite on your chest then......

Gulf:- * choked cough* Mewwww.....stop talk dirty at phone. Bye I m going, mom is calling, I will see you there...!!

Mew:- *laugh* Okay baby! Miss you...be on time and come early.

Gulf:- Yup I will...bye!!

Call ended. Gulf went to his mom to finish his work and he also informed in his office that he will be in leave.

Where, Mew was doing his office work from resort. He don't like pending works and also have to finish.

After a tiring day~~!!

At evening,

Gulf reached to Mew's resort. When he entered he saw no one is there at resort but then he heard some music sounds from backyard pool. Gulf immediately went there and what he saw, he got shocked.....

 Gulf immediately went there and what he saw, he got shocked

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It was beautifully decorated.... amazing atmosphere for a memorable bachelor party!

Small bar club, big speakers, amazing music system, coolest environment, different types of foods, pool vibes.... everything was perfect.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now